For those that are unfamiliar with the Emerald Cup, it's arguably the best regional shows in the nations, and one of the best ran shows period. A lot of big stars have come from the Emerald Cup, and I feel Brittani is going to be one of those stars.
Before I go on, how about you get a little visual aid of Brittani from the Emerald Cup earlier this year:

(Brittani competing as a bodybuilder at the Emerald Cup 2009)

(Brittani competing as a figure competitor at the Emerald Cup 2009)
Brittani isn't your typical physique star. Prior to competing, she has been involved in dance, cheerleading, rock climbing, wakeboarding, snowboarding, and just about everything in between. (Source: Twixpix) In addition to having that in her resume, she's also a mother of two.
In her first year competing (2008), she competed in the Vancouver Natural (yes, her physique is natural) and won her class, won the overall title at the 7 Feathers Classic, and placed in the top three at last year's Emerald Cup. And then she kicks off 2009 in a big way by placing in the top three in both bodybuilding AND figure in her classes. Call me crazy, but that screams future pro to me. According to a video interview she did for Hardfitness (click here to view the video), look for her to make her national debut this November at the NPC Nationals.
She's only been competing for a couple of years now, but I feel it will only be a matter of time before she turns pro. Whether she will get it for bodybuilding or figure remains to be seen. Regardless of what she gets it for, look for Brittani to do big things in the years to come. And with her being a natural athlete, that says a lot about her character and determination. At this point, the only person that's gonna hold her back is herself, and I doubt that it will happen anytime soon. :-)
Brittani, on befalf of the FitGems Nation, we wish you the very best of luck in the future and hope you serve as an inspiration to working mothers around the world. The world is yours for the taking. GOOD LUCK CHAMP!!!
For more on Brittani, check out her website at http:/// and her blog at