Friday, September 12, 2008

Sharing a TenSpot with...Jennifer Jackson

Jenn Jackson has only been competitng for a couple of years, and already she is among the top stars in the NPC by fanbase. Her physique is killer, but the thing that seems to attract people more then anything else is her eyes. She is arguably the greatest supporter for the FitGems nation, as she is the Figure Moderator on the site. Under the guidance of top IFBB superstar Julie Lohre as well as Jenn's desire to be among the best in the world, you can expect nothing but great things in the future of Miss Jackson.

FitGems: State your name and profession (fitness/figure/female bodybuilding/other).
Jennifer Jackson: My name is Jenn Jackson and I’m a National Level Figure Competitor. However for my real job I’m a GSM for an Automotive Group.

FitGems: How many years have you competed?

Jenn: This is my 2nd year.

FitGems: What are/were your best lifts in the gym (that you are most proud of)?

Jenn: N/A

FitGems: What would you do to make sure the sport of figure got the respect it deserves, despite some people thinking it’s nothing more than NPC/IFBB’s version of a bikini contest as opposed to a physique contest?

Jenn: Well, this may not be the most popular answer.. but it’s mine.. So here it goes. “Some People” are unfortunately becoming more accurate in their thinking that the NPC is leaning more toward “bikini contest” looks. What would I do? I would reward the girls with great physique’s. There is a place for female bodybuilders and it’s in women’s bodybuilding. I have the absolute most respect for those athletes. Truly. Especially the ones with incredible bodies that still maintain femininity. It’s amazing. Now figure to me.. and this is just my 2 cents.. should be the female athlete that isn’t a bodybuilder but also isn’t a bikini model. Somewhat muscular.. yet fit.. with femininity. In regards to the sport of figure as well.. I would like to see more magazines featuring “real world” workouts of figure athletes. Not the photo shoots that show the tiniest tops and shortest shorts with the “all american” girl next door looks.Those are okay, but put some girls really working out… sweating and working hard like they do.. then of course add a couple of “done up” pics. Again, like I said just my 2 cents. I really commend anyone who has the courage to step on stage… everyone works hard and deserves their moment to shine! :-)

FitGems: What (if anything) would you change about your profession?

Jenn: N/A

FitGems: Although it isn’t much, do you like the positive mainstream exposure of female muscle so far?

Jenn: Yes, I think it is getting better all the time. With supporters like doing broadcasts, which is wonderful by the way… maybe some of the tv networks will get with the program. It’s sad they will put those rediculous “eating contests” on national television, yet not televise the Olympia or Arnold.

FitGems: Who do you look up to the most for your inspiration?

Jenn: I really look up to Julie Lohre. She encouraged me to get started in all this and to keep working toward my goal, even when it gets frustrating. “It’s only a matter of time” She is an incredible person in and out of the sport.

FitGems: Your goal is obviously to become a pro one day. What does becoming a pro mean to you?

Jenn: Yes, Definitely!! What I’m looking forward to most about turning pro is the extra space backstage.. Not 150 or so girls, but maybe 60 including fitness. Ha. Kidding.. No not really :-) Honestly, it will mean the world to me. I will have set another goal/high standard for myself and achieved it. The IFBB is truly the best of the best of the best.

FitGems: If there was any celebrity that would be a perfect fit in a fitness/figure/female bodybuilding competition, if giving time to be able to condition themselves?

Jenn: I think Carrie Underwood.. I’m not a huge celebrity follower.. Only the IFBB Pro’s.. :-)

FitGems: What are your future plans in the female muscle industry?

Jenn: To turn pro baby! :-)
Then after that.. a new goal.

Best of luck to you, Jenn. You're gonna be a great pro when the time arrives. :-)

To learn more about Jenn, her website ( will be up very soon. Until then, you can visit the FitGems site to get your Jenn Jackson fix.