Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Zivile Raudoniene...WWE Diva?!

Yes, you read the title right. The 2009 Figure International Champion Zivile Raudoniene may be exchanging high heels and sparkling suits for spandex and wrestling boots in the near future, if the rumors are true. According to an article on Flex Magazine, Zivile will NOT be competing at this year's Figure Olympia because she's rumored to be heading to World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE).

(Zivile....future WWE Women's or Divas Champion? It could happen...)

I'll admit, this news came completely out of left field when I found out this news. This obviously means that the Figure Olympia has quite a shake-up with one of the top contenders out. But the big question is...assuming the rumor is true, how big of a move would this be for Zivile? Personally, I think this could end up being a HUGE move, if the right cards are played. Looking at the big picture, Zivile will get a far more mainstream exposure opportunity that being in the IFBB. Actually, come to think of it, this would be a big step for for the sport of figure itself as one of their own would get I mean, the IFBB is big, but nowhere near as mainstream as WWE, despite its less-than-stellar outlook by the mainstream media.

Of course, should Zivile enter the ring in the very near future, she's going to have to prove herself in a time where you have to
earn respect by the fans. These days, believe it or not, a good deal of wrestling fans attempt to watch women's wrestling for the wrestling, and not just for the eye candy, as in years past. That's why so many people admire those such as Trish Stratus, Lita, Molly Holly, Chyna, etc. As a long-time fan of WWE, I wish Zivile nothing more than the best and hope she has what it takes to be sucessful in the WWE.

Who knows, maybe someone like Zivile is what WWE needs right now...