Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sharing a TenSpot with...Jane Awad

In addition to giving my thoughts on the female muscle industry, I'll be doing interviews with members of the female muscle industry (competitors, fans, judges, photographers, fellow experts, etc.). These special interviews are called "Sharing a TenSpot". It's just basically an interview conducted by email or instant messenging and put on here. Expect at least one to two of these each month, possibly more during Arnold and Olympia time.

Today, I'm Sharing a TenSpot with one of IFBB's top figure competitors, Jane Awad!

(photo courtesy of
Last time she competed was at the 2007 Jan Tana Figure competition and was one point shy of qualifying for the 2007 Figure Olympia...ONE FREAKING POINT! It doesn't get any closer than that, folks. She will be looking to show the figure world that she belong with the elite as she is preparing for the Houston Pro (her first contest this year) during the Foruth of July weekend. And with the pro figure letter that was released after the Arnold Classic, I think Jane has an incredble chance to make a name for herself along the Gina Aliotti, Jennifer Gates, Amy Fry, and Nicole Wilkins aka the IFBB New Breed. Most fans recognize her do to her long legs, as she is blessed with good genetics. With the intro out of the way, let's get down to the TenSpot, shall we?

FitGems: State your name and profession (fitness/figure/female bodybuilding/other).
Jane Awad: Jane Awad, IFBB Pro Figure Champion, owner of Train With Jane Personal Training Studio.

FitGems: How many years have you competed?
Jane: 6years

FitGems: What are your best lifts in the gym (that you are most proud of)?
Jane: Incline chest press 45lb plates on each side

FitGems: Why did you choose the profession you’re currently in in the first place?
Jane: I am the owner of a personal training studio called Train With Jane

FitGems: What (if anything) would you change about your profession?
Jane: Nothing I love what I do.

FitGems: Although it isn’t much right now, do you like the positive mainstream exposure of female muscle so far?
Jane: Yes, I think there are many women that work hard in the gym and love to be inspired by others. If I can be inspirational to people that is a true blessing.

FitGems: Who or whom do you look up to the most for your inspiration?
Jane:I have always looked to my father. He is a great person with solid values and has taught me so much about life.

FitGems: What accomplishment are you proud of the most as of right now?
Jane: I am proud of opening up my own training studio. I love helping others and my studio allows people to come to me for advice and for training.

FitGems: If there was any celebrity that would be a perfect fit in a fitness/figure/female bodybuilding competition, if giving time to condition themselves, who or whom would it be?
Jane: Jennifer Garner, she always plays fit roles and has great structure

FitGems: What are your future plans in the female muscle industry?
Jane: I will be competing in the Houston Pro July 4th weekend and know I will continue to help other achieve their fitness goals in my studio Train With Jane.

For those that would like to know more about Jane, check out the following links:

There will be more TenSpots in the future, so stay tuned!