Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Site Unification
If you need any assistance on the unified site, please email me at admin@fitgemsnation.net.
FitGems Founder
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Petiton for Kiana's Flex Appeal Remake
During the late 90s into the early 2000, ESPN aired a very popular fitness show called Kiana's Flex Appeal. Kiana Tom, the show's star and a Bodyshaping alumnus, became a household name and was responsible for not only getting many people into shape and helping them reach healthy goals, but she gave people a reason to get up off the couch and bed. Her inner and outer beauty helped her become one of the most popular fitness personalities on the planet. Reruns are shown every Monday-Friday at 7AM Eastern/6AM Central on ESPN Classic. Kiana Fitness is looking to return to ESPN with NEW episodes. But the team needs your help!
Go to http://www.thepetitionsite.com/petition/198207829 or http://apps.facebook.com/petitions/view?pid=198207829 to sign the petition. Once 50,000 signatures are made, this will be sent to ESPN for review. If you have any questions, contact Steve at steve@kiana.com. Also check out her official website at www.kiana.com.
Together we can bring one of the top fitness shows ever back to television for the new generation!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Go beyond a competitor...Become your own brand!!
Julie-Shipley Childs has a huge fanbase due to her days competing at the Fitness America Pageant when they were shown on ESPN back in the day (when they actually had more things to watch other then Sportscenter). Yes, female muscle has a regular place on television, but Not only that, but she decided to elevate her game and compete in the NPC, which wasn’t long as she earned her pro card and has become a member of the fitness elite ever since. Another one that have followed the TV competition path is Kim Lyons, who went on to become a top celebrity personality as a trainer on NBC's hit show, The Biggest Loser.
World Wrestling Entertainment was the platform for fitness models/champions Joanie Laurer (Chyna), Trish Stratus, Torrie Wilson, and Lisa Marie Varon (Victoria). All four of these ladies have went on to become household names and have been instrumental in showing women that you don’t have to be a size negative 10 to be attractive. Both Chyna and Torrie have among the highest selling Playboy magazines by WWE Divas in history…while the issues that had the cookie-cutter types have been duds compared to the Ninth Wonder of the World and the self-proclaimed Covergirl. Victoria has been regarded as one of the toughest and most respected Divas in the world by many fans. And don’t even get me started on Trish Stratus. Long story short, this is her world, and we’re just living in it.
Jennifer Gates has become arguably one of the top figure competitors today, and her rookie year was nothing short of legendary. But among her first exposures was paysites like FTVideo, HerBiceps, Femflex, and TomNine. That was when I first saw her. Needless to say, she became a major fan favorite and one of IFBB’s top figure pros after that. Paysites are great if you know where to go and who to trust. Ask around in order to find the best ones out there.
Recently, the world of politics got a touch of female muscle as Collete Nelson made a huge splash in 2008 when she campaigned for the McCain campaign, as she portrayed a She-Hulk for McCain, rivaling Obama Girl.
I can tell you other things that others have done to make names for them, some that are very innovative, and some…well, less that ideal, but that would take way too long. Bottom line, you can compete and compete and compete, but to make a name for yourself you must be able to become a brand. Experiment with all the options out there (as well as create and find your own promotional tool) and find out what works best for you, and then…tell the world, “Ready or not, here I come!”
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Just thought I'd take this time to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I hope you all get what you wanted, and to all the young ones out there...hope Santa visited you last night!
As we all know, things are not as well as they could be, with the economy and all. I wish things could be better, and who knows? Things could get better as time progresses. However, to be quite honest, we should all be thankful for what we already have instead of what we don't have. Thank God everyday for He brought us life.
I'll leave you all with the last words from The Christmas Song:
To kids from one to ninety-two,
Although its been said many times, many ways,
Merry Christmas to you.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Arnold Classic 2009-The list
Ms. International
Heather (Policky) Armburst
Dayana Cadeau
Iris Floyd Kyle
Maria Del Carmen Gomez
Rosemary Jennings
Debi Laszewski
Cathy LeFrancois
Mah-Ann Mendoza
Yaxeni Oriquen-Garcia
Betty Pariso
Brenda Raganot
Isabelle Turell
Betty Viana-Adkins
Dena Westerfield
Fitness International
Jessica Clay
Regiane Da Silva
Nicole Duncan
Tina Durkin
Heidi Fletcher-Sullivan
Bethany Gainey
Tracey Greenwood
Oksana Grishina
Jen Hendershott
Tanji Johnson
Shannon Meteraud
Mindi O’brien
Julie Palmer
Erin Riley
Trish Warren
Nicole Wilkins-Lee
Figure International
Gina Aliotti
Huong Arcinas
Monica Brant
Heather Mae French
Amy Fry
Adela Garcia
Jennifer Gates
Sonia (Adcock) Gonzales
Lenay Hernandez
Georgina Lona
Juliana Malacarne
Zivile Raudoniene
Kristal Richardson
Felicia Romero
Sherlyn Roy
Chastity Slone
Brenda Marie Smith
Erin Stern
Latisha Wilder
I'll be highlighting each competitor from now until the Arnold arrives...hopefully. Congrats to everyone that got an Arnold invite!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Why I Created the FitGems Nation
It started out by me making fan clubs on Yahoo for those I liked quite a bit. The first one I created was of IFBB Pro Christine Pomponio-Pate. From there I created others for people such as Julie Shipley-Childs, Jane Awad, Jennifer Gates, and Sherrie Carnicle, to name a few. The fan clubs were met with great response not only from fans but the competitors themselves. Then I got involved in participating in message boards. I'm in more message boards and sites than I dare to count at this point in time. There are some that I enjoy more than others, and the ones I enjoy the most are the ones that show respect to the women who push their bodies to the limit and beyond.
Long story short, I decided to post my thoughts and opinions about the industry though a blog this summer, thus bringing the FitGems Nation, my personal conribution to the sport, to life. (http://fitgems.blogspot.com) I've had the honor so far of having a few interviews on the blog with some of the top names in the business, including the new Fitness and Figure Olympia champions, which is quite an accomplishment for someone's who new to this kind of stuff. Then the thought of a cool social site ran through my head, so I created a social site on a social network place similar to Ning. However, the vision I wanted was limited on the site I used to hold the FitGems site on, so I moved it to Ning (http://fitgems.ning.com) and never looked back. Then the thought of a cool social site ran through my head, so I created a social site on a social network place similar to Ning. However, the vision I wanted was limited on the site I used to hold the FitGems site on, so I moved it to here and never looked back. After the move, I purchased the domain of www.fitgemsnation.net, and knew I had something special that people could be proud of. Not bad for a 22 year old supporter, huh?
I've accomplished quite a bit with these sites, which all began in 2008. I'm hoping as time progresses that I can do more for the great ladies of this sport. I'm hoping to attend a show in the near future (which I'm saving up money now for), as well as create some kind of sponsorship (either from scratch or partner up with a site, company, or something of that nature), as well as a promotion tool for the athletes that will be explained on a later date.
I'm gonna make this very clear...I'M NOT A SAVIOR FOR THIS SPORT, AND I DON'T WANT TO BE LOOK AT AS SUCH! All I am is a fan and a supporter who wants to give back to something I've admire and respected for years. I do hope the fans out there do what they can to support these women, as they need all the support they can get. As long as there is female muscle, I'll do what I can to support the sport. Ladies, you are all absoultely amazing. Keep following your dreams and keep pushing yourselves to bring out the very best in YOU, as a true winner is never satisfied.
I'm gonna leave you all with this:
We are not promised a tomorrow, but let's live like today will never end.
Monday, December 1, 2008
StratusFACTtion Guaranteed-My other project

Speaking of Trish, to the surprise of...none, she was the favorite on last month's poll in regards to who would make a great IFBB competitor with 54% of the votes. Trish as an IFBB fitness or figure competitor. One word...EPIC! Torrie Wilson was second with 5% of the votes. Melina, Terri Runnels, Jackie Gayda-Haas, and others got 3% a piece. Mickie James and Candice Michelle receive 2% a piece. Eve Torres and Michelle McCool received 1%. I'm gonna apologize right now about this post. After I made the post, I left out some key people by mistake, most noticably, Beth Pheonix. I can't believe I left her out, and for that, I apologize.
Now on to the last poll of the year. It's official that the NPC will have a bikini divison net year with the IFBB to follow suit in 2010. My question is: If it were up to YOU, which division would you rather have in the NPC or IFBB: a bikini or physique divison? Or why not both..or neither of them at all? I'm gonna post my thoughts on this matter soon, and I would like you to voice your opinions (good or bad) after I make the post.
Hope everyone enjoyed Thankgiving and are getting ready for Christmas! Yes, the holidays have arrived! Meaning...the Arnold Classic list should be coming out sometime this month. Can't wait!!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Top Five Female Muscle Community Sites (Just My Opinion)
Issac Hinds wrote an awesome post on his blog Hardbody News (http://www.hardbody.com/news) about why competitor need to use YouTube as a promoting tool for themselves. I encourage you all to read this in your spare time (http://www.hardbody.com/news/2008/11/19/hardbody-marketing-getting-noticed-on-youtube)
I took his advice and made a quick YouTube video highlighting the top five community sites that I personally think are the ones that each female competitor needs to check out at some point in time. I also plugged in my sites as well.
Over the course of the weekend, there have been (as of this posting) over 900 views. Personally, I consider that an accomplishment.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Celebrity Muscle-Trish Stratus
My first Celebrity Muscle feature is of former wrestling personality Trish Stratus.

Before she became a seven-time WWE Women’s Champion and arguably on of the biggest entertainers in WWE history, she was a top international fitness model. Her main objective in life was to be a doctor. And she was on her way of becoming one, but fate put that to a screeching halt. She would not graduate with a doctorate degree at York University in Toronto. She instead worked at a gym and was approached to being a fitness model. About six months later, she transformed her body, and the female muscle world took notice. Musclemag gave her the big break as a top fitness model. She went on to becoming one of Musclemag’s most popular fitness models ever. Then a company called World Wrestling Entertainment (known at the time as World Wrestling Federation), came a-calling after Trish appeared on a wrestling-related show in Canada and was offered a job. In March of 2000, the wrestling world would get to know what many in the fitness industry knew all along…Trish was someone who was destined to be a star.
Her WWE career has become stuff of legend. From her debut on March 2000 to her storybook ending in 2006 in her hometown of Toronto, Trish provided “Stratusfaction” and gave fans a woman everyone could root for (when she was a face) and everyone could hate (when she was a heel). To date, there is no other woman in mainstream pro wrestling that can capture the attention of both male and female fans male like Trish.
Ever since retiring from the ring, she has hosted a comedy reality show in Canada, participated in a celebrity cop reality show, is hosting her own travel show in Canada (could air in the US soon), and runs a yoga studio in…guess where?! Spain! Just kidding…It’s Canada. J Needless to say, she has kept herself busy and healthy. And like ever former wrestler, she has teased a return to the lands of the WWE, which many fans (including yours truly) would welcome back with open arms and a standing ovation.
You can check out all things Trish at the following websites:
Also check out my Trish Stratus fansite:
http://trishstratusfacts.wetpaint.com/ (I'll go into more detail on this in a future post)

(All photos belong to original owner(s) )
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Ladies...the Arnolds is fast approaching, so you competitors are limited to one half-serving of dressing and maybe one slice of pumpkin pie. HAHA! Just messing with ya out there.
Anyways, have a safe, blessed, and happy Thanksgiving holiday!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
2008 FitGems of the Year
Here are the categories:
- Pros of the Year
- Amateurs of the Year
- Site of the Year
- Community Board of the Year
- Breakout Pros of the Year
- Breakout Amateurs of the Year
- Rookies of the Year
- Fitness Show of the Year (Arnold and Olympia doesn't count)
- Figure Show of the Year (Arnold and Olympia doesn't count)
- Women’s Bodybuilding Show of the Year (Arnold and Olympia doesn't count)
Site of the Year, Fitness Show of the Year, Figure Show of the Year, and Women's Bodybuilding Show of the Year will have one winner (except in the case of a tie). If there happen to be any ties, they will NOT be broken.That means that there will be multiple certificates sent for that particular category. For the other categories, there will be three winners, one representing each division (women's bodybuilding, fitness, and figure).
You can place your nominations here on the blog, or shoot me an email at fitgems@yahoo.com. Place FitGems of the Year 2008 in the Subject line of your email. I will take nominations until December 14. I'll post the winners the following Sunday (December 21).
To every competitor, promoter, supporter, photographer, fan, and everyone that is involved in the female muscle industry in some shape of form, thank you all for a great 2008. To all the competitors competing at the NPC Nationals this weekend, good luck to you all.
A big shout-out goes to everyone that has given the FitGems Nation a chance. I hope this can continute to expand in 2009 and beyond!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sharing a TenSpot with...Beni Lopez
(photo credit: Bodybuilding.com)
FitGems: State your name and profession (fitness/figure/female bodybuilding/other).
Beni Lopez: Benincia B. Lopez, IFBB Pro Bodybuilder
FitGems:How many years have you competed?
Beni: on and off a Little over 10 years
FitGems: What are/were your best lifts in the gym (that you are most proud of)?
Beni: so far to date leg press 770 lbs. 3s 10reps. not including 3 to 4 warm up sets, and shoulder press up to 70 lbs. DB's 4 sets 8,8,6,6
So far?!?! Man, you are becoming one lil' powerhouse, Beni! KEEP IT UP!!! :)
FitGems: You made the change from figure to bodybuilding, and so far it has paid off. What do you miss from competing in figure, if anything at all?
Beni: I would have to say the Heels....It made me feel so tall and majestic with the added height and all the bling...bling
FitGems: What (if anything) would you change about your profession?
Beni: If anything equal prize money as our male counterparts as well as having Female Bodybuilders on more print magazines
FitGems: Although it isn’t much, do you like the positive mainstream exposure of female muscle so far?
Beni: Well C-Ray, you're right on the little mainstream exposure part...but as far as it being positive... NO....I say no because this past year it's been about physical beauty not about the overall packaging a ATHLETE brings to the stage...and this past year all I saw in print was Iris Kyle in Feb 08 issue and Britt Miller cant remember the issue besides that we have had the Muscle diva section on MD that's it as far as FBB is concerned would I like more EXPOSURE ...HECK YES, more like what they did for Iris kyle that type of layout where they show her back workout and talked about her training , let's be real we all would.... we work and train just as hard as the males and more so because we have to contend with still looking feminine and beautiful and what I would like the public to know is we are all BEAUTIFUL no matter what size,age and if were pretty enough to be put on print come on there is plenty room for us out there and I thank people like you and Sioux and Steve Wennerstrom for giving us that opportunity.
Thank YOU Beni (and all the female bodybuilders out there) for dedicating your lives for a sport as women's bodybuilding.
FitGems: Who do you look up to the most for your inspiration?
Beni: As far as FBB's I would have to say they all inspire me...to me they all have a uniqueness about them and I adore them all but as far as one INDIVIDUAL THAT WOULD BE MY HUSBAND OF 26 YEARS... I adore that man because he has a good heart and great character besides he has put up with my wackiness for this long. Believe it or not this Lil mama is a handful. (lol)
26 YEARS?!?! God has obviously blessed you, Beni!
FitGems: ]I know you want to be known as the first Beni Lopez, but when people look at you, which famous celebrity or fellow competitor do they compare you to?
Beni: Ok don't laugh but it's Shannon Doherty... yes the 901210 gal...okay you can laugh now
FitGems: If there was any celebrity that would be a perfect fit in a fitness/figure/female bodybuilding competition, if giving time to be able to condition themselves?
Beni: That would be Jennifer Gardner Affleck...what a stellar body perfect for figure
FitGems: What are your future plans in the female muscle industry?
Beni: My plan is to one day be the first lightweight to go to the Ms. Olympia and Ms. Internationals by lightweight I mean the smallest in height and weight but oh so tight(lol) I might not place well but it would be a great honor to be up there with the best athletes and to show the new girls and current athletes coming in that its OK to crossover to fbb and that you don't have to be massive to get up in the ranks as long as you do your homework and come in the best you...you can bring to the stage. Just one last statement I would like to add and that is to all the lovely female athletes you are all beautiful and encouraging to me and to never forget you are all champions for stepping out of the box and being different than what the norm wants us to be and I applaud each and everyone of you ladies. Now go take on the day and have a Most Benilicious day.
Thank you so much for the Benilicions interview, champ. To everyone reading this, watch out for Lil Mama in 2009! She's in it to win it, baby!!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Jeff Olive is the administrator there (there might be a couple of more very soon) and has done wonders for the site so far, and I know he will help me make the site something everyone can be proud of. If you know Jeff Olive, I'd would suggest you click here and take a look at his site and join it.
THE WETPAINT SITE WILL BE TERMINATED VERY SOON...THIS SITE IS THE ONLY COMMUNITY SITE FOR FITGEMS: http://fitgems.ning.com. As soon as everything is transfered from the old site to the new site, this site (http://fitgemssite.wetpaint.com) will be no more. Just thought I'd give you the heads up. Thanks!
EDIT: I changed a few words on the introductory post here because after reading over it, it came out unprofessional toward my decision to move the FitGems Nation Community Site. The site is still moving, but I could have put it in better words than what I did earlier. And for that, I'm sorry.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
If you haven't done so already...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The FitGems Nation Community Board...OPEN FOR BUSINESS!
Here's the link to the site:
I hope you all out there will give the board a chance. That's all I'm asking for; a chance. If you don't have that, you have nothing.
Also I'd like to thank those who voted on last month's poll about how you felt about this year's Olympia, based on a scale from one to ten. According to the poll, and 17% of you ranked it awful, while 46% of you thought the show was awesome. 3% chose rank 2, 7% chose rank 5, 10% chose rank 6, 7% chose rank 7, 3% chose rank 8, and 3% chose rank 9. No one chose rank 3 or 4.
This month's question is Which current and/or former WWE Diva would make great IFBB competitors?
Once again, thank you all for the support!
Monday, October 27, 2008
My Ideal Arnold Amateur Physique list
Tracy Bodner

Sherrie Carnicle

Lindsay Cope
Diana Tinnelle
Ann Titone
Angela Kirkland
Vanessa Adams
Lori Steele
Amanda Swallow
Rachelle Cannon
Nikki Warner
Mavi Gioia
Natalie Ariel
Andrea Swanson
Holly Nicholson
Melissa Detwiller
Ali Huston
Ann Caliri
Grace Rivera

Danielle Rouleau
Just like the pros, this was not an easy task to pick 25 people. So, if you have anymore to add, please do so under the comments. Who knows? Maybe there will be a physique division in the future? This post, along with the other two post about a physique division are just thoughts, and not reality...yet.
A Fitting Review-"HDPhysiques"
There are too many good women on there to highlight (and the list is growing daily by quantity and quality), so I’ll highlight some of the best on the site…to me, that is. Opinions may vary.
I’ll start with Lindsay Cope, aka The Beast. In my honest opinion, there may not be a figure woman on Earth that is as strong as Lindsay. She lifts more for a warm-up then most can lift in a lifetime. Plus she’s downright beautiful to boot. Yes, a woman with the strength of Hercules and the beauty of a Barbie doll. Practically perfect, if you ask me.
Another person with inhuman strength is my personal favorite competitor on the site, Natalie Ariel, aka “The A-Train”. She doesn’t just look strong…she IS strong. Her size, strength and conditioning is almost unrivaled in figure. With the new guidelines in figure, she decided to give bodybuilding a try. Her bodybuilding debut is unknown as of yet, but if her HDPhysiques footage as a figure competitor is any indication, then the world of women’s bodybuilding has gain one hell of a star on their hands.
Someone else who is a HDP favorite is Heather Armbrust. Heather is pound-for-pound one of the best-built female bodybuilders in the sport, with arguably THE BEST set of legs of ANY competitor in the IFBB. Other than her own site, HDPhysiques is the ONLY site where you will see the unrivaled sheer intensity of her legs.
Perhaps their biggest star on HDPhysiques is the person that most fans would love to see figure be centered around these days, and that’s Valerie “Siren” Waugaman, a.k.a. V-Dub a.k.a. The Green Goddess, a.k.a., The Regal One. Joe sees Val as THE perfect figure competitor, and when you take a good look at her, can you blame him? She has natural beauty, sexy charisma, and incredible genetics, things you are just born with. No disrespect to the figure competitors reading this right now, but when her conditioning is on, you might as well be fighting for second place. HDPhysiques took footage of her during the 2007 Arnold Classic and looked PHENOMINAL!!! Why she didn’t win that year is STILL a mystery to me and to others. The judges (to put it nicely) flat out didn’t make the right decision that year. Sorry, Val should have won the Ms. Figure International title in 2007. The video clips and pictures on HDPhysiques are proof positive.
In addition to displaying several top stars, they have Fun Flexes and Bonus Flexes, and features such as Biceps Week, Quad Week, and Calves Week, which are nothing short of amazing. They also cover a few contests as well. As I mentioned earlier, they are growing by quality and quantity, and I recommend any competitor or model out there to try and get a shoot with these guys.
The motto of HDPhysiques is “Hi-Def bodies in Hi-Def video”. High definition technology was made for the female muscle industry, and Joe and Doug are the first to display the ladies in the way they were meant to be displayed. To established and aspiring stars, arrange a shoot with them. To fans and supporters, join the site and see for yourself why HD is the new “black” in the female muscle industry.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sharing a TenSpot with...2008 Fitness Olympia Champion Jenny Hendershott!
Jenny Hendershott once again rose to the top of the fitness division becoming Miss Fitness Olympia for the second time in her career. Jenny has competed in nine consecutive Olympias, and has placed in the top five at each of them, not to mentioned that she's been in the top ten in each pro contest she's participated so far. Personally, I have no doubt in my mind that she is gonna go down as one of the top fitness performers in IFBB history.
FitGems: How does it feel to be the NEW Fitness Olympia Champion?
Jenny Hendershott: It feels amazing to win this show once but then to win it twice. WOW. I forgot what it was like to win! Now I remember how awesome it is.
FitGems: What was your mindset coming into Vegas this time as opposed to last year?
Jenny: Personally I think what happens at home prior to a show plays a part in what you bring to a show. Everything impacts the way you perform. I have been through a lot like other athletes and in the past it has impacted my physique and performance. I didn't do too many things different but I did have a VERY peaceful prep prior to this show. My life is good and I am in a good place with God. When you have Him on your team you are unstoppable. (Amen to that, sister. Amen to that.)
FitGems: This is your ninth Olympia appearance. I know your first win is always the best win, but where does this win rank in your career?
Jenny: I would say this is definitely one of the highlights of my career. I can't rank them cause they are all so amazing and I am so grateful.
FitGems: You arguably have the most entertaining routines in all of fitness. How are you able to possess that much energy…in particular this weekend with an untimely passing of Steve Stone on Friday hours before the finals?
Jenny: You know I always have been a high energy person. I was the only girl of 5 children I ran circles around my brothers with my ambition and energy. Friday was so unreal. It was such an amazing day of competition for me and so sad for the industry. When we got to the night show everyone was crying and so sad, the fitness girls gathered in the dressing room and we talked. I told them we have to do this for Steve, he would not want us to not do this. We had shared a prayer in his honor and we knew the fans who paid to see us did not know what was going on so we had to keep our commitment . The girls did an awesome job. I was proud of them. (God Bless you all for having the hearts to perform during a tragedy...)
FitGems: With the possibility of a fitness/figure reality show coming to television in 2009, do you think that this could help expand the fitness numbers?
Jenny: I do I think the industry/fans and the general public need to be exposed to this industry and they also need to see we are real people with real jobs, with real issues , and we have to work really hard. We have a good balanced life, we would be great role models. I think if the right people are chosen for the show it will be great for the industry.
FitGems: What would YOU do to increase the fitness numbers in both the NPC and IFBB?
Jenny: What am I currently doing? Well I am doing a couple things. I am creating my own NPC show for fitness, figure etc,,,so putting more shows out there. Second I am using my connections in cheerleading to get more girls involved. There are lots of jen hendershott's out there we just have to find them and get them involved. Third, I think that changes that are coming out in 09 will help bring more athletes into the sport.
FitGems: Of all the routines you’ve done in the Olympia so far, which is by far your favorite?
Jenny: I loved the playboy bunny routine, it flowed , had good balance etc.... But when I think of the Banana routine, I laugh so hard, I can not believe I did that. I loved it. (That was hilarious!!!)
FitGems: Do you see yourself braking Susie Curry’s Olympia record?
Jenny: Wow isn't that like 5 Olympia titles? Not sure I never thought of that but I don't think so.
FitGems: With your long and successful stay in the IFBB, can we officially call you an icon, or do you feel it is too early for you to claim that title?
Jenny: No, I will take icon. I have done a lot more then compete in this sport. I feel I have won what there is to win and I feel there are NOT many girls that can call them self that . So I will take that title! (Okay...fitness icon, it is!)
FitGems: What’s next for you now that you are back on top in the fitness division?
Jenny: Honestly, I am enjoying this moment and not thinking whats next. I am preparing my camp schedule and working with clients closely so they are priority right now. Ask me again in December! (We'll be waiting for your name to be on the Arnold invite, Jenny! :) )
Hope you enjoyed what the Fitness Olympia champion had to say. Interviews with the reiging Ms. Olympia and new Ms. Fitness Olympia to follow within the next few days.
Special Editions of "Sharing a TenSpot": Coming Soon!
I'd thought I'd give you all the heads up on something. Over the next several days, HOPEFULLY (hopefully being the key term here), I'll be posting three special "Sharing a TenSpot" interviews. You're probably asking yourself...why are these three interview gonna be special? These interview are from ALL THREE FEMALE OLYMPIA CHAMPIONS!!! The first one I will post is one I did with this year's Fitness Olympia Champion Jenny Hendershott. Trust me, for those that have not read or seen any of Jenny's interviews, you're in for a treat. She tells it like it is and holds nothing back. So be checking for it withing the next few days for these EXCLUSIVE interviews.
Also thank you to everyone for voting on arguably the most one-sided question of all time...or at least on this blog. I asked Should there be more female muscle coverage on TV? and practically all of you voted Yes. Only three people voted No.
This month's question is about this year's Olympia. Whether you attended, watched it on webcast, went to messages boards to catch updates, whatever..., I have this question for you: On a scale from 1 (awful) to 10 (awesome), how would you rank this year's Olympia? 10 being awesome and 1 being awful. I doubt this poll will be as one-sided as the last one.
Take care and thanks!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Jennifer Gates is the NEW Figure Olympia Champion!!!!!!!!!!!

Behold the queen...the queen of queens. Jennifer Gates, in only her SECOND Olympia appearance, pulled off the biggest win in her career and became the newest Figure Olympia champion! I've been a fan of hers LONG before she became an IFBB pro, and something told me in my gut that she was gonna be a big star. I have that sixth sense about things. Long story short, I couldn't be more proud of Jenn. Second place honors for a second year in a row go to the very beautiful Gina Aliotti. The current Figure International looked like she was gonna be the second woman ever to win both the Arnold and Olympia Figure titles, but that was not meant to be...not this year, at least. Gina is one of those competitors that gets better and better with age (although she seems perfect already). She's gonna be Figure Olympia champion very soon; don't you worry about that. Third place went to someone that flew out of my radar in predictions, as well as many others. I'm talking about Zivile Raudoniene. Yep, shocking isn't it?! Not to those that saw the comparison pics with Jenn and Gina, and those that were at the Olympia. Personally, I think it's cool to see international stars get some love in the IFBB, and with her thrid place finish, we are at the least guaranteed at one person not from the States to be a part of the biggest muscle show in the world. Jenny Lynn, the woman who dominated the figure scene ever since the creation of the sport, placed fourth. Compared to the other ladies, she didn't seem like herself. I wasn't there, so I can't judged. She looked great, but it seemes like the others looked better. She'll be back to try and recapture the title she lost. Mary Lado returned to her old roots and bounced back big time looking incredible to get a fifth place finish. It will be interesting to see if she puts in an Arnold invite and attempts to regain the Figure International title next year from Gina. Rounding out the top six is Sonia Adcock. She has proven time and time again that she has a certain "it" factor that makes her a top figure competitor. Her new bangs and overall new look will definitely put her in the running with Jenn and Gina in the months and years to come.
Here were the predictions I made prior to the show:
- Jennifer Gates
- Gina Aliotti
- Jenny Lynn
- Felicia Romero
- Mary Lado
- Sonia Adcock
- Jennifer Gates (take that, experts!!)
- Gina Aliotti
- Zivile Raudoniene
- Jenny Lynn
- Mary Lado
- Sonia Adcock
Sometime this week, I'll give my thoughts on the entire Olympia. Congrats to each competitor who was a part of one unforgettable weekend!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Iris Kyle retains her Ms. Olympia title!
If there's one thing that women's bodybuilding fans should know by now...never bet against Iris at the Olympia. I'll admit; going into this contest, I'd thought she was gonna lose her title, especially after this year's Arnold disaster. But like I said in the Ms. Olympia predictions, a good champion knows how to bounce back from defeat and adversity, and Iris did just that, as she captured her fourth Olympia title and keeping her dominace in the women's bodybuilding division in tact. Betty Adkins qualifed just two weeks ago, yet she found the combination to get the runner-up spot and has put the FBB division on notice. Current Ms. International Champion Yaxeni Oriquen-Garcia placed third and Lisa Aukland placed fourth. Dayana Cadeau found herself in the same spot as current Fitness International Champion Kim Scheideler. After placing in the runner-up position for so long, she found herself BACK some spots, as she ended up with a fifth place finish. Rounding up the top six was Cathy LeFrancois, who had some cool pre-show shots on Siouxcountry's board. Shocker of the night for FBB was that Heather Armbrust, who many viewed to win this year's title before the Olympia began, didn't make top callouts nor the top six. We'll have to wait and see the results to see where she placed.
Here were my predictions for the show:
- Heather Armbrust
- Dayana Cadeau
- Yaxeni Oriquen-Garcia
- Iris Kyle
- Betty Pariso
- Lisa Aukland
Here's the actual top six:
- Iris Kyle
- Betty Adkins
- Yaxeni Oriquen-Garcia
- Lisa Aukland
- Dayana Cadeau
- Cathy LeFrancois
Congrats to the female bodybuilding competitors this year!
Jenny Hendershott Wins the 2008 Fitness Olympia!
In stunning fashion, Jenny Hendershott won her second Fitness Olympia title with her hard physique and amazing routine (for those who were able to see it live and those who were LUCKY to catch the show through the Bodybuilding.com webcast...which I'll discuss AFTER the Olympia). Tracey Greenwood is inching closer and closer to that brass ring, as she took the runner-up spot with one rock hard body and incredbile routine. Kim Scheideler brought one rocking body as always, but moved a step BACK from her ultimate dream instead of forward, as she placed third. Julie Palmer was fourth with her powerful physique and routine. Tanji Johnson placed fifth, and was in great form despite this contest being her only contest this year. And Regiane DaSilva definitely earned the title of "Most Improved Fitness Competitor" as she placed sixth, a far cry from her 13th place finish last year.
Side note: My thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery go out to Julie Lohre. During the prejudging, she tore her ACL, which prevented her to compete for the finals. Hope you get better soon, girl!
Here were my earlier predictions:
- Kim Scheideler
- Jenny Hendershott
- Tracey Greenwood
- Julie Lohre
- Julie Palmer
- Erin Riley
And the actual top six:
- Jenny Hendershott
- Tracey Greenwood
- Kim Scheidler
- Julie Palmer
- Tanji Johnson
- Regiane DaSilva
Congrats to all the fitness competitors!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My 10 Ten list for the Olympia...PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!
Whew...okay...back to reality, C-Ray. Posture...posture....okay, I'm ready. Here's the list:
Ms. Olympia:
- Heather Armbrust
- Dayana Cadeau
- Yaxeni Oriquen-Garcia
- Iris Kyle
- Betty Pariso
- Lisa Aukland
- Nicole Ball
- Cathy LeFrancois
- Debbie Bramwell
- Brenda Raganot
- Kim Scheideler
- Jenny Hendershott
- Tracey Greenwood
- Julie Lohre
- Julie Palmer
- Erin Riley
- Tanji Johnson
- Heidi Fletcher
- Trish Warren
- Regaine De Silva
Figure Olympia:
- Jennifer Gates
- Gina Aliotti
- Jenny Lynn
- Felicia Romero
- Mary Lado
- Sonia Adcock
- Amy Fry
- Jessica Paxson-Putnam
- Julie Ann Kulla
- Jana Awad
Friday, September 12, 2008
Sharing a TenSpot with...Jennifer Jackson

FitGems: State your name and profession (fitness/figure/female bodybuilding/other).
Jennifer Jackson: My name is Jenn Jackson and I’m a National Level Figure Competitor. However for my real job I’m a GSM for an Automotive Group.
FitGems: How many years have you competed?
Jenn: This is my 2nd year.
FitGems: What are/were your best lifts in the gym (that you are most proud of)?
Jenn: N/A
FitGems: What would you do to make sure the sport of figure got the respect it deserves, despite some people thinking it’s nothing more than NPC/IFBB’s version of a bikini contest as opposed to a physique contest?
Jenn: Well, this may not be the most popular answer.. but it’s mine.. So here it goes. “Some People” are unfortunately becoming more accurate in their thinking that the NPC is leaning more toward “bikini contest” looks. What would I do? I would reward the girls with great physique’s. There is a place for female bodybuilders and it’s in women’s bodybuilding. I have the absolute most respect for those athletes. Truly. Especially the ones with incredible bodies that still maintain femininity. It’s amazing. Now figure to me.. and this is just my 2 cents.. should be the female athlete that isn’t a bodybuilder but also isn’t a bikini model. Somewhat muscular.. yet fit.. with femininity. In regards to the sport of figure as well.. I would like to see more magazines featuring “real world” workouts of figure athletes. Not the photo shoots that show the tiniest tops and shortest shorts with the “all american” girl next door looks.Those are okay, but put some girls really working out… sweating and working hard like they do.. then of course add a couple of “done up” pics. Again, like I said just my 2 cents. I really commend anyone who has the courage to step on stage… everyone works hard and deserves their moment to shine! :-)
FitGems: What (if anything) would you change about your profession?
Jenn: N/A
FitGems: Although it isn’t much, do you like the positive mainstream exposure of female muscle so far?
Jenn: Yes, I think it is getting better all the time. With supporters like bodybuilding.com doing broadcasts, which is wonderful by the way… maybe some of the tv networks will get with the program. It’s sad they will put those rediculous “eating contests” on national television, yet not televise the Olympia or Arnold.
FitGems: Who do you look up to the most for your inspiration?
Jenn: I really look up to Julie Lohre. She encouraged me to get started in all this and to keep working toward my goal, even when it gets frustrating. “It’s only a matter of time” She is an incredible person in and out of the sport.
FitGems: Your goal is obviously to become a pro one day. What does becoming a pro mean to you?
Jenn: Yes, Definitely!! What I’m looking forward to most about turning pro is the extra space backstage.. Not 150 or so girls, but maybe 60 including fitness. Ha. Kidding.. No not really :-) Honestly, it will mean the world to me. I will have set another goal/high standard for myself and achieved it. The IFBB is truly the best of the best of the best.
FitGems: If there was any celebrity that would be a perfect fit in a fitness/figure/female bodybuilding competition, if giving time to be able to condition themselves?
Jenn: I think Carrie Underwood.. I’m not a huge celebrity follower.. Only the IFBB Pro’s.. :-)
FitGems: What are your future plans in the female muscle industry?
Jenn: To turn pro baby! :-)
Then after that.. a new goal.
Best of luck to you, Jenn. You're gonna be a great pro when the time arrives. :-)
To learn more about Jenn, her website (http://www.jennjackson.com) will be up very soon. Until then, you can visit the FitGems site to get your Jenn Jackson fix.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Where were you when the world stopped turning...
I was a freshman in high school, and I was in English class. We were learning some basic English fundamentals when the librarian opened the door with disbelifef in her eyes and told us to turn on the TV and look at the news. No one was prepared for what we were about to see...
First off, we saw one of the Twin Towers burning. At that time, we didn't know what to think. Only a few minutes later, we saw (as it was happening) a plane hitting the second of the Twin Towers. Yes, what this generation thought would never happened, did. America was a victim of a terrorist attack.
Seven years later, we still remember the losses and sacrifices of that day, and it it because of our pride toward this country that we will never forget and we will move on as one nation under God. As a tribute, I posted a video I found on Youtube that shows the many emotions of 9/11/01 and its aftermath. The song is called "That September Day" and the song was done by Alan Jackson.
September 11, 2001...We have not forgotten, and we will never forget.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
2008 Miss Olympia Predictions
Heather Armbrust
No female bodybuilder in the world right now might have legs as powerful as Heather. Melissa Detwiller and Lynn McCrossin might have the best pecs of female bodybuilders, but when it comes to legs, Heather is queen. When she became a pro in 2006, many people thought she would rise to the top fairly quickly. Well, apparently they were right on the money! Last year, in her first year as a pro, she won the Sacramento Pro Heavyweight class and the overall title. Mere weeks later, she competed at the Arnold Classic and placed THRID in her first Arnold. She then followed that up with a great debut at the Olympia, where she placed fifth in that. She will return to the Olympia stage to once again make a statement and will find herself in the top six, possibly top three if she brings it.
Betty Pariso
Betty is entering into the Olympia with a purpose, to hopefully pull off an upset and shock the female muscle world by winning a major championship. Her and her husband head one of the biggest shows of the year (Europa Super Show) Her dedication to the sport and enthusiasm is practically unmatched in more ways than one. She might be over 50, but she can take most women half her age to school, post-secondary education, the works. Her trademark most muscular might freak out some people (it probably has to do with her sticking out her tounge while she does it), but it has seemed to help her more than hurt her. Her age alone has gotta be an inspiration to others out there who don’t think that they can be fit after 50. Will her experience play a factor in her finally breaking the Yaxeni/Dayana/Iris factor and bring her an Olympia title? We shall see, won’t we?!...
Lisa Aukland
Over the years, Lisa has become one of the top stars in female bodybuilding. She’s also one heck of an ambassador. I can recall back in 2006, Inside Edition did a very small but positive and funny segment on female bodybuilding and Lisa was the main person they talked to. She came across as professional and knowledgeable. At the time, she was an office worker and definitely opened my eyes and it let me see that female bodybuilders are more than just gym-based athletes. Some had lives outside the gym. She had developed a lot of mature muscle, yet she has been able to balance her muscularity and femininity in a way that has made her a big name amongst even non-female muscle fans. She will be the mix for the title once again. I don’t see her being out of the title mix anytime soon.
Yaxeni Oriquen
She has only competed once this year, yet she is riding to the Olympia with a ton of momentum in her favor, as she will be arriving in Vegas as the current Ms. International champion. Anytime you walk into the Olympia as Arnold Classic champion regardless of division, you are seen as the top contender, no matter who else is participating…at least, that’s how the muscle media likes to portray who should or shouldn’t be contenders. For those who think I’m attacking Yaxeni, you’re wrong…dead wrong. Yaxeni has more than proved herself to be a force to be reckoned with when it comes to competing for the Ms. Olympia title. As a former champ herself, she knows what it’s like to be at the top of the mountain. Winning is like having your favorite fruit smoothie…once is never enough. Yaxeni has beaten Iris and Dayana this year. Heck, she’s been all the ladies listed here (with the exception of Heather and Nicole). We’ll see if she can pull if off one last time…this time, and the biggest stage of them all.
Dayana Cadeau

I don’t know what this woman has to do to take a major title. She comes in better than the previous contest each and every year, and when it seems like she makes one step forward, she takes two steps back. At this year’s Arnold, she soundly beat Iris, as she was in seventh place. However, she didn’t capture the Ms. International title (That honor went to Yaxeni). Much like Kim in the Fitness Olympia, I bet you my bottom dollar that Dayana is sick and tired of being just short of becoming champion. For the last several years, during the Olympia press conference, she would do a posedown with Iris showing off their leg definition, usually securing her as a top contender. When it comes down to it, bottom line, for Dayana, it won’t be about if she can beat Iris. It will be about if she can beat everyone else in her way as well. All I have to say is that good competitors usually never arrive in second place and usually have the end in mind. Dayana has the Ms. Olympia title in her sights. 2008 could finally be her year to shine.
Iris Kyle has become the top face of women’s bodybuilding today. Not since Lenda Murray has there been such a dominating force in women’s bodybuilding as Iris. I don’t know her secret, but she has seemed to find a way to maintain her dominance over the past few years. 2008, however, may be an entire different tune for her. At this year’s Arnold Classic, she came in looking like a champ. She was in the top callouts. Long story short, she was possibly heading toward a record fourth Ms. International title, which would have made her the winningest Ms. International champion ever. However, when the top six came out during finals for a final posedown to determine the winner, Iris was no where to be seen in the lineup. Huh!?!?! At first, it seemed like Iris was disqualified. But it was later revealed that she placed seventh. There were some noticeable knots on her that indicated possible substance use, and that was probably what did her in. But Iris can’t worry about what happened to her at the Arnold. She must be focused on retaining her Ms. Olympia title. A good champion knows how to bounce back from defeat and adversity. We’ll see what Iris is made of later on this month.
WILDCARD-Nicole Ball
Why did I choose Nicole over the other female bodybuilders to be the wildcard? Post-Arnold, I think she has been the one to make a statement more than any female bodybuilder out there right now. She has placed in the top three in every contest she’s was a part of, and won the Tampa Bay Pro this year as well. BTW, I hope I’m not sounding too corny, but Nicole is CUTE! I would have her as an Olympia spokesperson in a heartbeat. Now, she may not be as big as the top six I picked out, but that may not make any difference come Olympia time. We’ve seen time and time again how one person can change the landscape of this industry, and Nicole looks like she could be one of those people that can change the direction of female bodybuilding. She placed just outside the top six last year. Who knows? If Nicole brings the package that made her a powerhouse to begin with, The O could be looking at a slightly different top-six in the Ms. Olympia contest.
Well…there you have it. Those are my predictions for Fitness, Figure, and Ms. Olympia. Agree or disagree with my predictions? Let me know in the comments below. With that being said, I’ll leave you with this:
“It takes heart and determination to be a great competitor. It takes a great competitor to be a champion.”
Who will fall? Who will stand tall? Who will make history? Who will be history? On September 25-28 in Viva Las Vegas…all will be settled once and for all…at least until next year’s Olympia!
One last thing…thanks to everyone that voted on the Olympia poll. According to the poll, 45% of you said that Iris and Jenny could walk out of Vegas as former champions. We shall soon see.
This month’s poll is…Would you like to see more footage of female muscle contests on TV? Vote in the poll and see the results at the end of the month.
Monday, August 25, 2008
2008 Figure Olympia Predictions
Gina Aliotti
This woman is on everyone’s top three for the Figure Olympia, and this should be of no surprise considering what she has accomplished without reaching the age of 25 yet. She currently reigns as the 2008 Figure International Champion. I know there will never be another Monica Brant, but if I could choose someone who could be the next IFBB icon, it would be Gina. If she keeps this up, she will rank in win after win, photoshoot after photoshoot, recognition after recognition and become arguably THE female face of the entire IFBB, all before the age of 30. I’m not gonna lie, I thought Gina had the Figure O title won last year. Gina is what figure is all about, simple as that. The woman’s got perfect genetics for this sport. She can come hard or soft and still clean house. The way she carries herself on stage, you wouldn’t think that she’s in her early 20s. For the ones that aren’t Gina fans out there (and I’m really baffled at why there would be any body that wouldn’t be a fan of Gina, or at least respect her, assuming there are any out there), you wonder why Gina is held in high regards. She has “it”. I can’t make it any clearer. From this point in her career, the only way to go from here is up.
Jenn Gates

As much as I love Gina and no disrespect to any other competitor out there competing at the O this year, Jenn is my personal favorite to win the Figure Olympia. She’s another person that I think is on all or most people’s top three list. And after the way she entered the IFBB, who wouldn’t be impressed by this figure enigma? Her rookie year is the stuff of legend. Her passion, determination, and drive are practically unrivaled in the sport, and besides the champ Jenny, Jenn could be the only other woman to match or even surpass Gina bodypart for bodypart, quarter turn for quarter turn. When her and Gina captured the top two spots at the Arnold, everyone thought that it was spot on. Now in only her second Olympia, Jenn will look to do what no mother has done before: win an Olympia title. How big would this win be? Let’s take Tanya Merryman for example. Before the Olympia, she was in the Fitness America Pageant. When she won the title, she not only became the first MOTHER to win a major fitness title, but she became THE face of the promotion for a long time, and still considered the greatest Fitness American champion, ever. Imagine Jenn pulling off such a feat, only on a much bigger stage. “Momma Olympia” may be born in Vegas in September.
Felicia Romero
Ever since the new figure guidelines have been put to place, one person has been considered the “poster girl” for these new guidelines. And that person is the beautiful Felicia Romero. And why not? She’s only won both contests that she entered in since the guidelines were created and enforced (California Pro and Houston Pro). Being on the cover of Flex Swimsuit 2008 Magazine has further Also she’s been a great spokesperson for the division, by defending the new rules and guidelines in message boards. But like most things “Actions speak louder than words” or in this case…her physique does most of the talking for her. And it has spoken for her quite well over the summer. Last year, she faced Jenny, Gina, and Jenn at the Olympia and fared worse that she had hoped. Something tells me that things are gonna be a tad bit different this time around. Who knows? With those three getting the most attention, Felicia could sneak right past them and score a huge upset. They say that the quiet ones are the ones that you need to watch out for.
Amy Fry
Her height ALONE will make her a serious threat to the title. At five foot nine, she will be the tallest competitor in the Figure Olympia, and quite possibly the tallest of ALL the female Olympia competitors period. She won the Pittsburgh Pro this year, the first figure contest under the new guidelines. She also placed third at her first Arnold Classic, only being Gina and Jenn. I don’t know too much about her, but from what I have seen from her, I think she could be a big threat to the Figure Olympia title much sooner rather than later.
Mary Lado
In 2006, she became a figure icon when she won the Figure International title, when Jenny had to back out due to sickness. She retain her title in 2007, but placed almost out of the top ten at the Olympia. SAY WHAT?!?! Kinda took me by surprise myself. But from what was said, she didn’t bring her “A” game to the stage because of personal good things, not personally bad things. With her not deciding to defend her Figure International title this year, would the two-time Figure International champion be out of the Olympia. The answer would turn out to be no, and it came in the form of the 2008 Jacksonville Pro. She brought back the old Mary Lado. The one that won her two Figure International titles. The one that placed her in the top six in 2005 and 2006. The one that made her a champion in the first place. If she brings that Mary Lado to the Olympia next month, she could pull a 2008 USA Olympics Men’s Basketball team and become the Redeem Queen of figure.
This woman is not the face of IFBB figure for nothing. Other than Davana Medina, Jenny Lynn is the first person that pops in your mind when one discusses IFBB figure. So far, she is the only woman to ever win both the Figure International and Figure Olympia titles, and is only a handful of people to win at both the Arnold Classic and the Olympia. Her physique has always been long and slender, with a great balance of muscularity. While she had the Arnold Classic down pat (she was champion for three consecutive years), it was the Olympia that gave her trouble for the longest. She placed third at the first Olympia (the lowest she’s ever placed for a figure contest, for your information) and for two years, she placed runner-up. In 2006, she came looking like a toned Hollywood starlet and finally won the big one. In 2007, she successfully defended her title. However, as good as Jenny is, I don’t see how she’s gonna win this one, despite having the entire year to prepare for this contest. I know she would want to tie Davana’s record of three Figure Olympia titles, but I think that there are others that would want the title more than Jenny wants to retain the title. I could be wrong, though. Jenny could come into the O and blow the competition out of the water and keep the rising youngsters from claiming something each and every figure competitor strives to achieve: Olympia immortality. Jenny better leave it all on the stage to leave Vegas the way she came in. Something tells me that she’s gonna show the world why she’s is figure personified.
WILDCARD - Sonia Adcock
With the high talent that is a part of this year’s Olympia, it was kinda hard to pick a wildcard for figure. After thinking it over for a few minutes, I decided to choose someone who I’ve somewhat criticized quite a bit last year: Sonia Adcock. I think the reason why I gave her some grief is because I’m not used to seeing “thin-like” calves. I guess it’s a pet peeve of mine, I don’t know. But I can say this about her, her upper body is very impressive. Not to mention she has an exotic look about her, which doesn’t hurt her at all. She has placed in the top six in every pro contest she’s entered, but in order for her to keep that streak going, she’s gonna need to bring her “A+” game to the city that never sleeps. There are times that she’s proven me wrong on more than one occasion; I don’t see this year being any different for her.
Ms. Olympia predictions to come shortly…