(photo credit: Bodybuilding.com)
FitGems: State your name and profession (fitness/figure/female bodybuilding/other).
Beni Lopez: Benincia B. Lopez, IFBB Pro Bodybuilder
FitGems:How many years have you competed?
Beni: on and off a Little over 10 years
FitGems: What are/were your best lifts in the gym (that you are most proud of)?
Beni: so far to date leg press 770 lbs. 3s 10reps. not including 3 to 4 warm up sets, and shoulder press up to 70 lbs. DB's 4 sets 8,8,6,6
So far?!?! Man, you are becoming one lil' powerhouse, Beni! KEEP IT UP!!! :)
FitGems: You made the change from figure to bodybuilding, and so far it has paid off. What do you miss from competing in figure, if anything at all?
Beni: I would have to say the Heels....It made me feel so tall and majestic with the added height and all the bling...bling
FitGems: What (if anything) would you change about your profession?
Beni: If anything equal prize money as our male counterparts as well as having Female Bodybuilders on more print magazines
FitGems: Although it isn’t much, do you like the positive mainstream exposure of female muscle so far?
Beni: Well C-Ray, you're right on the little mainstream exposure part...but as far as it being positive... NO....I say no because this past year it's been about physical beauty not about the overall packaging a ATHLETE brings to the stage...and this past year all I saw in print was Iris Kyle in Feb 08 issue and Britt Miller cant remember the issue besides that we have had the Muscle diva section on MD that's it as far as FBB is concerned would I like more EXPOSURE ...HECK YES, more like what they did for Iris kyle that type of layout where they show her back workout and talked about her training , let's be real we all would.... we work and train just as hard as the males and more so because we have to contend with still looking feminine and beautiful and what I would like the public to know is we are all BEAUTIFUL no matter what size,age and if were pretty enough to be put on print come on there is plenty room for us out there and I thank people like you and Sioux and Steve Wennerstrom for giving us that opportunity.
Thank YOU Beni (and all the female bodybuilders out there) for dedicating your lives for a sport as women's bodybuilding.
FitGems: Who do you look up to the most for your inspiration?
Beni: As far as FBB's I would have to say they all inspire me...to me they all have a uniqueness about them and I adore them all but as far as one INDIVIDUAL THAT WOULD BE MY HUSBAND OF 26 YEARS... I adore that man because he has a good heart and great character besides he has put up with my wackiness for this long. Believe it or not this Lil mama is a handful. (lol)
26 YEARS?!?! God has obviously blessed you, Beni!
FitGems: ]I know you want to be known as the first Beni Lopez, but when people look at you, which famous celebrity or fellow competitor do they compare you to?
Beni: Ok don't laugh but it's Shannon Doherty... yes the 901210 gal...okay you can laugh now
FitGems: If there was any celebrity that would be a perfect fit in a fitness/figure/female bodybuilding competition, if giving time to be able to condition themselves?
Beni: That would be Jennifer Gardner Affleck...what a stellar body perfect for figure
FitGems: What are your future plans in the female muscle industry?
Beni: My plan is to one day be the first lightweight to go to the Ms. Olympia and Ms. Internationals by lightweight I mean the smallest in height and weight but oh so tight(lol) I might not place well but it would be a great honor to be up there with the best athletes and to show the new girls and current athletes coming in that its OK to crossover to fbb and that you don't have to be massive to get up in the ranks as long as you do your homework and come in the best you...you can bring to the stage. Just one last statement I would like to add and that is to all the lovely female athletes you are all beautiful and encouraging to me and to never forget you are all champions for stepping out of the box and being different than what the norm wants us to be and I applaud each and everyone of you ladies. Now go take on the day and have a Most Benilicious day.
Thank you so much for the Benilicions interview, champ. To everyone reading this, watch out for Lil Mama in 2009! She's in it to win it, baby!!!