Thursday, November 13, 2008

2008 FitGems of the Year's about that time of the year for those "of the year" awards that go out in everything. I've decided to do something similar to that by making cool certicificates and sending them out through email. All this is is a token of appreciation on their part. A little goes a long way in this world. For each category.

Here are the categories:
  • Pros of the Year
  • Amateurs of the Year
  • Site of the Year
  • Community Board of the Year
  • Breakout Pros of the Year
  • Breakout Amateurs of the Year
  • Rookies of the Year
  • Fitness Show of the Year (Arnold and Olympia doesn't count)
  • Figure Show of the Year (Arnold and Olympia doesn't count)
  • Women’s Bodybuilding Show of the Year (Arnold and Olympia doesn't count)

Site of the Year, Fitness Show of the Year, Figure Show of the Year, and Women's Bodybuilding Show of the Year will have one winner (except in the case of a tie). If there happen to be any ties, they will NOT be broken.That means that there will be multiple certificates sent for that particular category. For the other categories, there will be three winners, one representing each division (women's bodybuilding, fitness, and figure).

You can place your nominations here on the blog, or shoot me an email at Place FitGems of the Year 2008 in the Subject line of your email. I will take nominations until December 14. I'll post the winners the following Sunday (December 21).

To every competitor, promoter, supporter, photographer, fan, and everyone that is involved in the female muscle industry in some shape of form, thank you all for a great 2008. To all the competitors competing at the NPC Nationals this weekend, good luck to you all.

A big shout-out goes to everyone that has given the FitGems Nation a chance. I hope this can continute to expand in 2009 and beyond!