It started out by me making fan clubs on Yahoo for those I liked quite a bit. The first one I created was of IFBB Pro Christine Pomponio-Pate. From there I created others for people such as Julie Shipley-Childs, Jane Awad, Jennifer Gates, and Sherrie Carnicle, to name a few. The fan clubs were met with great response not only from fans but the competitors themselves. Then I got involved in participating in message boards. I'm in more message boards and sites than I dare to count at this point in time. There are some that I enjoy more than others, and the ones I enjoy the most are the ones that show respect to the women who push their bodies to the limit and beyond.
Long story short, I decided to post my thoughts and opinions about the industry though a blog this summer, thus bringing the FitGems Nation, my personal conribution to the sport, to life. ( I've had the honor so far of having a few interviews on the blog with some of the top names in the business, including the new Fitness and Figure Olympia champions, which is quite an accomplishment for someone's who new to this kind of stuff. Then the thought of a cool social site ran through my head, so I created a social site on a social network place similar to Ning. However, the vision I wanted was limited on the site I used to hold the FitGems site on, so I moved it to Ning ( and never looked back. Then the thought of a cool social site ran through my head, so I created a social site on a social network place similar to Ning. However, the vision I wanted was limited on the site I used to hold the FitGems site on, so I moved it to here and never looked back. After the move, I purchased the domain of, and knew I had something special that people could be proud of. Not bad for a 22 year old supporter, huh?
I've accomplished quite a bit with these sites, which all began in 2008. I'm hoping as time progresses that I can do more for the great ladies of this sport. I'm hoping to attend a show in the near future (which I'm saving up money now for), as well as create some kind of sponsorship (either from scratch or partner up with a site, company, or something of that nature), as well as a promotion tool for the athletes that will be explained on a later date.
I'm gonna make this very clear...I'M NOT A SAVIOR FOR THIS SPORT, AND I DON'T WANT TO BE LOOK AT AS SUCH! All I am is a fan and a supporter who wants to give back to something I've admire and respected for years. I do hope the fans out there do what they can to support these women, as they need all the support they can get. As long as there is female muscle, I'll do what I can to support the sport. Ladies, you are all absoultely amazing. Keep following your dreams and keep pushing yourselves to bring out the very best in YOU, as a true winner is never satisfied.
I'm gonna leave you all with this:
We are not promised a tomorrow, but let's live like today will never end.