Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where were you when the world stopped turning...

Today, all flags are at half-mast, and that's for a reason...Today is the seventh anniversary of the attacked that changed America forever. I will never forget exactly where I was when that happened...

I was a freshman in high school, and I was in English class. We were learning some basic English fundamentals when the librarian opened the door with disbelifef in her eyes and told us to turn on the TV and look at the news. No one was prepared for what we were about to see...

First off, we saw one of the Twin Towers burning. At that time, we didn't know what to think. Only a few minutes later, we saw (as it was happening) a plane hitting the second of the Twin Towers. Yes, what this generation thought would never happened, did. America was a victim of a terrorist attack.

Seven years later, we still remember the losses and sacrifices of that day, and it it because of our pride toward this country that we will never forget and we will move on as one nation under God. As a tribute, I posted a video I found on Youtube that shows the many emotions of 9/11/01 and its aftermath. The song is called "That September Day" and the song was done by Alan Jackson.

September 11, 2001...We have not forgotten, and we will never forget.