Monday, October 27, 2008

A Fitting Review-"HDPhysiques"

HDPhysiques may be among the youngest of the paysites, but this site is home to many of the industry’s top favorite competitors. Doug Smith and Joe are quickly becoming big names in the industry, as they have more then proven that they know how to choose their stars and they know how to showcase the women’s physiques to their ultimate potential.
There are too many good women on there to highlight (and the list is growing daily by quantity and quality), so I’ll highlight some of the best on the site…to me, that is. Opinions may vary.

I’ll start with Lindsay Cope, aka The Beast. In my honest opinion, there may not be a figure woman on Earth that is as strong as Lindsay. She lifts more for a warm-up then most can lift in a lifetime. Plus she’s downright beautiful to boot. Yes, a woman with the strength of Hercules and the beauty of a Barbie doll. Practically perfect, if you ask me.

Another person with inhuman strength is my personal favorite competitor on the site, Natalie Ariel, aka “The A-Train”. She doesn’t just look strong…she IS strong. Her size, strength and conditioning is almost unrivaled in figure. With the new guidelines in figure, she decided to give bodybuilding a try. Her bodybuilding debut is unknown as of yet, but if her HDPhysiques footage as a figure competitor is any indication, then the world of women’s bodybuilding has gain one hell of a star on their hands.

Someone else who is a HDP favorite is Heather Armbrust. Heather is pound-for-pound one of the best-built female bodybuilders in the sport, with arguably THE BEST set of legs of ANY competitor in the IFBB. Other than her own site, HDPhysiques is the ONLY site where you will see the unrivaled sheer intensity of her legs.

Perhaps their biggest star on HDPhysiques is the person that most fans would love to see figure be centered around these days, and that’s Valerie “Siren” Waugaman, a.k.a. V-Dub a.k.a. The Green Goddess, a.k.a., The Regal One. Joe sees Val as THE perfect figure competitor, and when you take a good look at her, can you blame him? She has natural beauty, sexy charisma, and incredible genetics, things you are just born with. No disrespect to the figure competitors reading this right now, but when her conditioning is on, you might as well be fighting for second place. HDPhysiques took footage of her during the 2007 Arnold Classic and looked PHENOMINAL!!! Why she didn’t win that year is STILL a mystery to me and to others. The judges (to put it nicely) flat out didn’t make the right decision that year. Sorry, Val should have won the Ms. Figure International title in 2007. The video clips and pictures on HDPhysiques are proof positive.

In addition to displaying several top stars, they have Fun Flexes and Bonus Flexes, and features such as Biceps Week, Quad Week, and Calves Week, which are nothing short of amazing. They also cover a few contests as well. As I mentioned earlier, they are growing by quality and quantity, and I recommend any competitor or model out there to try and get a shoot with these guys.

The motto of HDPhysiques is “Hi-Def bodies in Hi-Def video”. High definition technology was made for the female muscle industry, and Joe and Doug are the first to display the ladies in the way they were meant to be displayed. To established and aspiring stars, arrange a shoot with them. To fans and supporters, join the site and see for yourself why HD is the new “black” in the female muscle industry.