Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Nicole Wilkins: Why 2011 Was Her Defining Year in IFBB Figure

In 2009, Nicole Wilkins climbed to the top of the IFBB Figure division by winning the Figure Olympia title, the biggest championship in figure. Obviously, this was a major win for her and a big win for the new faces of the division, but WOW...she got some serious flack on some message boards, even the most polite ones. Obviously, she had her supporters but her detractors. I think the problem was for some was that her look was seemingly (at the time) too small and not hard enough for figure. Some feel there were physiques out there better than hers. That, and the previous champions (Davana Medina, Jenny Lynn, and Jennifer Gates) came in pretty conditioned (size varied between the three, though) From what I saw online, fans weren't exactly too thrilled with the outcome of the 2009 Figure Olympia competition.

Nicole @ 2009 Figure Olympia
Photo credit: Muscular Development
She made a bit of improvements since then trying to show others that she deserves to be at the top of the figure world. While the changes were there ever-so-slightly, and there were some willing to embrace it, the detractors still outweighed the supporters. But everyone has their defining moment, that one moment where everyone (those for and against you) stands up and takes notice. That moment came at the 2011 Tournament of Champions when Nicole stepped on stage. Most people though she would be the favorite to win, but no one, not even yours truly, expected her to come in the way she did that day. I had to take a double take to make sure the woman was indeed Nicole Wilkins.

The Nicole Wilkins that shut the detractors up. 2011 Tournament of Champions
Photo credit: MuscleContest

She clearly added significant size, definittion, and cutness to her physique. I honestly don't know how many pounds of muscle she added since her 2009 Figure Olympia win, but it was clear as day that it was a nice amount. Add to her posing, beauty, and structure, and you got the ultimate figure machine. Nicole might have not been the woman people wanted to be the face of IFBB Figure back in 2009, but that has changed big time now. I'm not saying everyone has suddenly become a fan of hers, but others are starting to see Nicole as a rightful champion. If she keeps this up in 2012 and beyond, Nicole might want to start making room for more medals and trophies. Just saying.

An improved Nicole @ 2011 Figure Olympia
Photo credit: FitnessRx

What are YOUR thoughts on Nicole Wilkins? Did you think 2011 was the year she proved herself? Do you like THIS Nicole better than the old one? Sound off in the comments below.