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It's awesome to see females in the celebrity world put on a bit of muscle these days. More and more ladies are realizing that FIT is in and SKINNY is just not cutting it these days. It's even cooler when one of our own is part of that celebrity spotlight showing off an amazing figure. That's the case with former figure competitor Celeste Bonin, who now goes by the name of Kaitlyn in WWE. Since winnning NXT Season 3, Kaitlyn has went on to become one of WWE's most popular Divas on the Smackdown brand. Her wrestling has come a long way since NXT and her physique has slimmed down from her NXT days, but don't you DARE mistake her for a cookie-cutter bimbo. She has shown that she can talk the talk and walk the walk, and we at FitGems expect great things from this Diva in the new year. Divas Champion in 2012?! We hope so!!
Runner-up: Kelly Ripa
Others nominated include Elizabeth Hasslebeck, Hope Solo, Poppy Montgomery, and Trish Stratus