Tuesday, January 3, 2012

3rd Annual FitGems Awards: Industry Facebook Fan Page of the Year

Congrats to HARDBODY NEWS on winning Industry Facebook Fan Page of the Year at the 3rd Annual FitGems Awards.

Photo credit: Hardbody Facebook Fan Page

Facebook has become almost a necessity for competitors to make it big in the industry, almost as important as official sites themselves. And it's not just the competitors getting into the fan page movement, but industry members as well. And Hardbody News knows how to use it effectively. As of late, motivational pictures have been posted daily, as well as preview shots from Hardbody. The fan page does what it needs to do: give enough for fans to "like" the page. Good job to Hardbody News! If you haven't done so yet, "Like" them at https://www.facebook.com/hardbodynews.

Runner-up: Siouxcountry (https://www.facebook.com/siouxcountryfb)

Others nominated included Fit Model TV (https://www.facebook.com/FitModelTV), Promoting Women in Bodybuilding Fitness and MMA (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Promoting-Women-In-Bodybuilding-Fitness-and-MMA/112681648755406) , No Division Left Behind; Women’s Bodybuilding (https://www.facebook.com/fbbnotleaving), and Marc Thyssen Photography (https://www.facebook.com/MarcThyssenPhotography).