Thursday, January 12, 2012

3rd Annual FitGems Awards: NPC Show of the Year

Congrats to NATIONALS on winnning NPC Show of the Year at the 3rd Annual FitGems Awards!

Photo credit:

With the addition of women's physique (and men's physique for that matter), records were being shattered like crazy this year in terms of competitor participation. The NPC Nationals is usually the biggest NPC show of the year, but it was taken into overdrive in 2011 with close to 1,000 competitors (Keep in mind that was not any fitness classes or masters classes)! In total, 4 female bodybuilders, 6 women's physique competitors, 6 figure competitors, and 6 bikini competitors turned pro. In other words, 22 women entered the IFBB during Nationals weekend. That's a lot of pro cards!

Runner-up: Jr. Nationals

Others nominated include Jr. USAs, USAs, Team Universe, and North Americans.