Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Meeting of the (FitGems) Minds

A while back, I interviewed NPC Figure Competitor Jenn Jackson, who has supported the FitGems Nation since day one. She represents the future of the IFBB, in my honest opinion. I was hoping one day, we would meet face-to-face. Apparently, fate came a-knocking on my door this weekend, cause guess who I met...

(Jenn-12 wks out from Jr. Nationals)

Words can't express how beautiful she is in person. I kid you not.

Good grief, we talked about a LOT of stuff, including things I didn't fully understand until I heard it from someone who's a part of this industry. Some of us fans seem to take the ladies for granted, and don't truly understand what they go through on a daily basis to maintain their bodies and be able to present themselves. We both had things we are currently working on, and we were able to help each other out. You'll hear and see more about it in the weeks ahead.

In addition to being a beautiful person on the inside and out, she can be pretty hilarious. As she was showing me her up-and-coming website (which is a project I'm taking up), she noticed that the mousepad at the hotel business center had the apperance of a cookie. When you're dieting for a show (which she is, as she's getting ready for this year's Jr. Nationals 12 weeks from now), a cookie is the last thing you want to see. As a curiotisy of the hotel, they give cookies. She took the cookies, and immediately gave them to her boyfriend to put in his bag.

Oh yeah, sorry guys, she's taken! HAHAHA!!! I got to actually talk to Tom this time. I've seen him play college basketball a couple of times, and all I can say is this guy is going places should he become a pro. He's cool as well and is very supportive of Jenn. Every competitor needs some kind of support system, whether it be a site, or people coming to their shows and cheering them on, or fans just coming to them and telling them "Thanks for all you're doing. You're an inspiration to many people." I wish them both nothing but the best and a good, long relationship.

(Jenn and Tom)

As mentioned so much was talked about and discussed from nutrition, the difference of posing sexy and skanky, why flexing in figure really isn't neccesary, and her praises to many of her friends of this business. She evened talked a tad about one of her workouts she's currently doing to prepare for the Jr. Nationals. I could go on and on and on, but all I have to say it, as of this weekend, I have a completely newfound respect for every woman who dedicated their lives to this industry. I've always had respect for it, but now meeting someone who's involved in it, I respect it now more than ever before.

I had planned to do a small video interview, but my batteries went dead on me, and my backup battereis were no count. Gotta love technology, right?! LOL. Instead I sent her the questions I was going to ask for the video and she sent me the following answers:

1. Name and profession: Jenn Jackson, National Level NPC Figure Competitor Profession: GSM
2. One unknown fact about you: I'm a HUGE basketball fan :)
3. What you're getting ready for: Jr. Nationals.. 12 weeks out :)
4. Your thoughts on community sites (such as Siouxcountry and FitGems Nation for instance): I think it's great what the community sites are doing for the sport. To have such classy and professional sites for a womens sport such as ours is really wonderful. The fitness industry is growing more and more all the time, yet still a small nitch group. The sites almost provide a sort of "home away from home". A comfortable place to go where other people understand what it is you do every day :)
5. Future Goals: Oh my..To become an IFBB Pro of course :)

They said your first experience is the best. All I can say is thank you to Jenn and Tom for a visit that I will never forget. You made my weekend. Get that pro card, Jenn!!! :-)

(The FitGems PosterGirl (Jenn) and the FitGems Founder (that's me) FINALLY meet)