Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Quick Arnold Predictions

I'm in the process of going into more detail about who I chose and why on the FitGems Nation website, but for now...here's my predictions for the top six in each of the female divisions:

Ms. International

1. Iris Kyle

2. Yaxeni Oriquen-Garcia

3. Betty Atkins

4. Dayana Cadeau

5. Betty Pariso

6. Isabelle Turell-Stampler

WILDCARD: Heather (Policky) Armburst

Fitness International

1. Jenny Hendershott

2. Tracey Greenwood

3. Julie Palmer

4. Tanji Johnson

5. Regiane Da Silva

6. Erin Riley

WILDCARD: Oksana Grishina

Figure International

1. Gina Aliotti

2. Amy Fry

3. Zivile Raudoniene

4. Adela Garcia

5. Erin Stern

6. Kristal Richardson

WILDCARD: Sonia (Adcock) Gonzales

As soon as I'm done with the detailed predictions, I'll post them here. Again, these are just my OPINIONS, meaning that they probably won't happen. If they do, I'll be
extremely lucky.