Monday, March 16, 2009

FitGems FitMom Contest

Are you a fit mother? Do you know of a fit mother? Enter the first annual FitGems FitMom Contest!

The FitGems Nation attempts its best to honor all women who do whatever it takes to maintain and develop incredible physiques and be role models for those that want to be in shape. However, imagine doing all of that...and being a mother at the same time! That takes unbelievable dedication.

That's why this Mother's Day, The FitGems Nation is hosting an (hopefully) annual contest to give back to the mothers of this industry, by giving away at least $100 to a deserving mother. It's our way of saying "Thank You" for being an inspiration to moms everywhere. Note the amount will vary depending on who will be involved, but no less than $100 will be awarded.

The prize money can be used however you please. You can put it towards a future competition, buy diapers, put it towards food, clothing for you and your family, put it towards a vacation, pay gas, your children's education,it doesn't matter.

You can nominate yourself or nominate any mother in the industry. In order to enter, you must provide a pic of yourself and explain in short essay 50 words (more or less), why you consider yourself a fit mother and what it means to be a fit mother involved in the industry. Click here for all the rules.

Send your name, email, entry essay, and recent photo of yourself to Please put FITMOM 2009 for the Subject line of the paper. If you would like to get involved in this as a sponsor, send me an email, with the subject line having FITMOM SPONSOR.

Entries must be submitted by May 2nd at midnight Eastern time. The winner will be decided by members of the FitGems Nation site and a selcet few from the industry during the week of May 3rd-9th.The winner will be announced on Mothers Day (May 10). and the winner will be awarded during that week.

Good luck to all the participants!