Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Masters Olympia for Women (FitGems Version)

2012 marks the return of the Masters Olympia. There will also be Fitness, Figure, and Bikini as part of the Miami Pro. The masters' part is just for men's bodybuilding, though. While it's awesome to see some of the former top dogs competing in a "Who's Who" of legendary male competitors, it would be just as nice to see the Masters Olympia aim for the women of the sports.

Who would compete it it you ask? I'm sure there are various opinions out there, but our version would consist of a women's bodybuilding, fitness, and figure portion. Neither bikini or women's physique has been around long enough yet to have a Masters Olympia, so we'll hold off on that for a bit. The women that would be eligible to compete would be any lady that competed in any Olympia or Arnold up until 2010 that is in their late 30s and beyond. Hey, this IS a Masters Olympia we're talking about. Can't have any young guns (in age) for this show! In fact, we have even created a line-up of competitors that would fit the bill easily:

Ms. Masters Olympia
1. Lenda Murray
2. Vickie Gates
3. Betty Parsio
4. Denise Masino
5. Dayana Cadeau
6. Juliette Bergman
7. Desiree Ellis
8. Kim Chizevesky
9. Valentina Chepiga
10. Yaxeni Oriquen
11. Lisa Aukland
12. Bonnie Priest

Ms. Masters Fitness Olympia
1. Susie Curry
2. Jenny Worth
3. Jenny Hendershott
4. Kim Scheideler
5. Julie Childs
6. Julie Palmer
7. Tracey Greenwood
8. Mia Finnegan
9. Carol Semple
10. Mary Yockey
11. Heidi Sullivan
12. Adela Garcia

Ms. Masters Figure Olympia
1. Davana Medina
2. Jenny Lynn
3. Christine Pomponio-Pate
4. Amber Littlejohn
5. Monica Brant
6. Mari Kudla
7. Jamie Franklin
8. Mary Elizabeth Lado
9. Jennifer Gates
10. Jane Awad
11. Latisha Wilder
12. Tara Scotti

12 competitors in each division to make it an even playing field. Prize money SHOULD be higher than usual. How much is up for debate.

What do you think? Is a Masters Olympia for the women a possibly, or is it out of the question? Let us know in the comments below or post your thoughts on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FitGemsNation.