Tuesday, December 11, 2012

4th Annual FitGems Awards...IT'S TIME TO VOTE!

First and foremost, thank you all for the nominations for this year's awards!

The nominations are in for this year's awards, and the ballot is ready for you to vote for your favorites. A few changes have been made to the categories, from some omitted and some added in. As mentioned before, whatever did not get enough was filled in by how well competitors did and were presented in 2012. It was not easy to do, as so many of you had banner years this year. All voting will take place on MisterPoll this year. No email votes, no Twitter, no Facebook, just Mister Poll. It makes things much simple and also gives everyone equal footing when it comes to getting votes, as momentum can turn on a dime at any given moment. Vote however many times you can until January 1st. Winners will be announced early January.

In addition to the categories, there is one big new award this year, the Robert Kennedy Woman of the Year award. This goes to the fitness competitor/personality that had the most impact on the industry in 2012. This award is named in honor of Robert Kennedy, who passed away early this year after losing his battle with cancer. Every female is eligible for this award. At the bottom, you have to type in the name of the person you think deserves that honor. ONLY ONE NAME PER VOTE FOR THIS CATEGORY. MULTIPLE NAMES WILL MAKE YOUR BALLOT NULL AND VOID.

The link to vote is here: http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/572112.

Please share this link with everyone you know. The more you share the link, the better your chances are of winning. While you can't vote via social media, you can promote is via your fan pages on Facebook, Twitter, Tout, Tumblr, message boards, and even your own websites/blogs. If you are on Twitter, use the hashtag #4thAnnualFitGemsAwards to discuss the awards and to promote yourself if you are nominated.