Monday, November 5, 2012

Update on Wrestling's Fitness Knockouts

Last month, I made a post about how TNA Knockouts Rosita and Madison Rayne were making their fitness competition debuts this year. This past weekend, both ladies, as well as fellow former TNA Knockout Roxxi (real name Nicole Raczynski), made some serious waves in the fitness world, including one of them making a big case heading into one of the biggest events on the year this weekend.

Rosita and Roxxi competed in the WBFF New England this past weekend and BOTH ladies placed in the top ten in their divisions. Roxxi has been competing for quite a while, but this was Rosita's first fitness competition. Congrats to both ladies on their awesome performances at the WBFF New England.

Madison Rayne entered the Jenn Hendershott All Women's Weekend and Big Shott Classic and competed in bikini and placed 2nd in her class. Adding to her win a few months ago, she is riding a big wave of momentum entering the NPC Nationals this weekend. Should she place in the top two in her class, she will become an IFBB Pro, and will join a very elite class of people to be a top active wrestler AND a pro in the fitness world. 

Once again, we congrats all three ladies on a job well-done this past weekend and wish them all best of luck as they move ahead in their careers, on stage and in the ring!