Wednesday, May 2, 2012

IFBB Pro's Unique Charity Game

It's always a great thing to see people think of others besides themselves. We didn't come into this world alone, so why should we have to ignore others who are struggling just to make it? Seeing people give back in the form of charities shows the world that that there are still good people left in the world. While people and celebrities give stuff away to specific charities, one of our own is doing things a bit different.

Credit to original poster

IFBB Pro Christine Pomponio-Pate loves to give back to others, but rather than choose a specific charity, she gives her fans the opportunity the choose the charity they want her to help. She dubs it a game called "Choose Your Charity". How does it work? You buy an item (any item) off of Christine's website ( That automatically puts you in the running for "Choose Your Chairty". Each month, a winner is chosen out of those who purchase from her website. Christine donates a portion of her earnings from her website to the charity of your choice! Those that have benefitted from this cool game include The Scleroderma Foundation, The Breast Cancer Foundation,Liguori Publications, The American Stroke Association, Prevent Child Abuse of America, DAV, Hearts United for Animals, and Childhood Disease Research Foundation. This is a win-win for everyone because you are helping others out in need, and all you have to do it buy an item from an IFBB legend (BTW, I heard she has a hot calendar out that I would recommend you take a look at. Just saying...).

For more on Christine and to visit her online shop, visit her website at and "like" her on Facebook at