Sunday, May 20, 2012

Juliana Malacarne, IFBB Champion...FINALLY!

May 19, 2012
Tribecca Performing Arts Center
New York.

The day and place many female muscle fans claim that the IFBB "got it right".

Seven years of disappointment and despair meant nothing after one moment of triumph. On this day, the world would watch as a beautiful, muscular, feminine Brazilian competitor with a worldwide fan base that is just as big as (if not bigger than) the top-placed competitors in the world make her debut in a division that many pegged to be "tailor-made" for her. She would enter this show in the best she's looked since becoming an IFBB Pro. And unlike in the past...she was rewarded for it. Juliana Malacarne is the 2012 New York Pro Women's Physique Champion...and the fans (and many competitors) of the female muscle world rejoiced.

Photo credit: Muscular Development

While Juliana was a favorite to win by a good deal of people, let's not get it twisted that she was gonna win this thing easy. The line-up was STACKED with 28 other competitors, some of which we haven't heard from in quite some time. Some of the competitors included Dana Linn Bailey (the first women's physique pro), Debbie Barrable (formerly Leung, who has had twins prior to the New York Pro), Dayana Cadeau (former top bodybuilder), Marina Lopez (who has competed in every single pro women's physique event this year), and Jillian Reville (who, prior to this event, placed in the top three in her previous outings). There was no shortage of talent, so to beat them showed that Juliana was more than worth the hype and praise she's received from fans over the years.

While a great physique is needed to win a contest (the IFBB IS a physique federation after all), It's also about having that "it' factor. Something you can't develop in the gym, no matter how hard you try. You either have it or you don't. Juliana had "it" at the NY Pro. She is without a doubt the most muscular women's physique winner thus far, but like the other winners, she had that "it" factor that you just can't put into words. And as it's been preached over and over and over again...whoever presents the best package ON THAT DAY walks out the winner. It's hard to argue that point here when Juliana got a perfect score from EVERY JUDGE there. To do it on one of the biggest stages not named the Arnold or Olympia in the biggest women's physique line-up to date speaks volumes. Oh yeah...did I mentioned that one of those judges happened to be JIM MANION?! For those that don't know who he is, he is the chairman of the IFBB aka the head honco. Hmm...if THAT doesn't speak volumes, I don't know what does!

If this doesn't leave you speechless, do me a favor and check your pulse. (Photo credit: Muscular Development)

So...what does this mean for women's physique going forward with Juliana's win? Did we witness a game changer at the New York Pro? Every big sporting event has them: New England Patriots winning their first Super Bowl, Chris Paul and Blake Griffin joining the Los Angeles Clippers, CM Punk's infamous "pipebomb" speech on WWE. I can name more, but I think you get the point. There are still plenty more women's physique shows to go and we are not a full year into IFBB women's physique, but I have a feeling a statement was made. The standard (IMHO) will be set when the IFBB has Physique Olympia, which I hope will be in 2013. After this weekend, I have no doubt in my mind that Juliana will be part of that event. The question is now "Can Juliana have success in the IFBB?", it's now "How MUCH success will Juliana have?". At this point, the sky's the limit for her.

To Juliana Malacarne and her waited seven years for this moment. Take it in, drink it in, eat this up. If the New York Pro's any indication, there's plenty more where that came from.