Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tribute to Robert Kennedy

Rest in peace, Bob. You will be missed...

I never got to meet the man in person, but I LOVED his work. In fact, it was his work that got me to loving the industry more and more. I've mentioned how the Fitness America Pageant made me a fan in the first place. HOWEVER, it was because of his work with Musclemag and Oxygen that I noticed on the newsstands before everyone else. While my family would be shopping for groceries, I would be looking at his magazines. Still do to this day. :)

As a WWE fan, I credit him for discovering quite possibly the most influential WWE Diva of this generation (and possibly of all time when it's all said and done), Trish Stratus. All fans of Trish should thank him for discovering the seven-time Divas Champion. I think without his insight to see something special in her, I honestly think the world would have never had the Golden Era of the WWE Divas Division. I really believe that.

But Trish isn't the only one that benefitted from Bob's visionary outlook. Countless others such as Cory Everson, Torrie Wilson, Victoria Pratt, and his wife Tosca Reno (among others) have seen their careers take to new heights thanks to Mr. Kennedy.

There's too much to name and mention right now, but I can tell you that a huge void has been made by his passing and it will be one that can never be replaced. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Robert Kennedy, as well as everyone who has been impacted by him. If you want to share your favorite memories of Robert, please leave them at