Hey there, college folks! You think you have the best body on campus? Who IS the best in the world...college world, that is? Jenny Worth and the Fitspacelive.com team want to find out. On October 19th and 20th, they will be putting on an all-collegiate physique event in Florida! Here's the official press release letter explaining more about it and how you can be a sponsor for it (and the benefits of being a sponsor).
As more information is released, I will pass this along to you all. Until then, follow Jenny Worth on Facebook, as well as Fitspacelive on Facebook.
Dear potential sponsor,
We are proud to announce on October 19th and 20th 2012 we will be holding the 1st Annual NPC Fitspacelive.com/Jenny Worth All Collegiate Championships & Tallahassee Championships Bodybuilding-Fitness-Figure-Bikini and Men’s and Women’s Physique Show and Sports Expo! This event is sanctioned by the NPC Sanction # 11952 and will be a Level 4a open to the entire country for the collegiate divisions and only to Leon County and surrounding counties for the open division.
This event will also be a qualifier for the 2013 Collegiate Nationals only , the top 3 from each class will qualify. It is through your sponsorship contributions that this show will grow in the coming years and successfully introduce the younger generation to the sport so that it can continue to grow. All Sponsorship contributions will go towards the hard costs incurred when putting on a show as well as directly into the scholarship fund.
A scholarship donation will be presented to the school that the overall winners from each class attends. It will be noted on the website for the show that all scholarship donations were made possible through the generosity of our sponsors. Below you will find the different levels of sponsorships.
Sponsorship Packages:
The Red Shirt- $400 Includes Booth at Expo and HTML Banner on Show Website until the 2013 show
Junior Varsity-$600 Includes Booth at Expo, Logo on Stage Banner, HTML Banner on Show Website until the 2013 show, Logo on T-shirt
Varsity-$1000 Includes Booth at Expo, Logo on Stage Banner, HTML Banner on Show Website until the 2013 show, 4 months Ad space on Ftispacelive.com, product placement( supplement companies) Logo on T-shirt, Trophy Presenter
Full Ride-$1500 Includes Booth at Expo, HTML Banner on Show Website until the 2013 show, 6 months Ad space on Ftispacelive.com, product placement in the store( supplement companies) Logo on T-shirt, Overall Trophy Presenter and Scholarship Check Presenter.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you ahead of time for your interest and generosity for this event. Without the younger generations in any sport there can be no sport. This event will assure the continued growth of the sport , by introducing younger competitors as well as first time competitors to a positive experience that will carry over in the years to come.
Jason Giardino: Founder Fitspacelive.com
IFBB Fitness Pro Jenny Worth: Co-Founder Fitspacelive.com