Hello again everyone. This week I wanted to talk about the Bikini division. My thoughts when Bikini started were probably the same as a lot of people. "What does Bikini have to do with Fitness?" But I gave it a shot, and actually have become a big fan. In fact I have become friends with several Bikini competitors, and I have learned these women work and train just as hard as any other competitor. Maybe they are not lifting as heavy, but they are lifting just as much and putting in the same work. I was once told by a Pro Bodybuilder that "These girls don't deserve to share her stage". What happened that made it "your” stage? Remember female bodybuilders often had to deal with negative stereotypes, so why would she want to then stereotype someone else? These girls do deserve to share that stage.
In learning about Bikini I have befriended my favorite Bikini competitor, Vanessa Prebyl. Vanessa is amazing. She has on a couple occasions this year just missed out on her Pro card, and is a lock to get it very soon. Vanessa isn't just a good example for Bikini. She is a great example for the industry as a whole. To know Vanessa is to know her passion for training and it is just as hard as any other division. My great love has always been bodybuilding, but by opening my eyes women like Vanessa have made me fall in love with Bikini. I can sit here and tell you a great deal about Bikini and how hard these girls work, but why not have an expert do it. SO I will know allow Vanessa to take over from here.
Hello to all the readers!!! My name is Vanessa Prebyl and I am an NPC Bikini Class C competitor!! First of all I want to say thank you Jason for the kind words you wrote about me. It means the world to me that people are respecting how hard ALL competitors train. As Jason wrote above, the bikini division has got a little bit of flack for being a competitive sport. I would like to clear up some of the misconceptions and hopefully draw you in to love this division as much as I do.
As for training as a bikini competitor, I have no doubt I train just as hard as any other person in this sport. I may not lift a large amount of weight, but I lift as heavy as I can. I am a no-nonsense type of girl in the gym. I wake up at 4:30am and hit the gym by 5am to do my lifting for the day. As well as lifting, I also do two cardio sessions a day which may range from a track workout with sprints and stadiums to HIIT or even a nice run out side or incline treadmill. I go all out and want to make sure I have NO REGRET when I hit that stage. I know many people have asked me if I workout for the bikini division and at times I want to chuckle and say “Me?? Oh no, I look like this naturally.” Yes folks, I workout. ;)
As for a bikini competitors diet, I do still get some carbs and good fats; however, it is a difficult balance between looking curvy and too soft. I do follow a strict diet that was made for me by Kim Oddo and it has worked wonders. I eat lean white meat or white fish with greens for most of my meals.
One of the areas of bikini competition that has also had people raising their eye-brows is the Bikini stage presentation. Yes bikini does have more FLARE than the strict posing of Figure; however, just because it is not as strict does not mean it is any easier. I practice my poses all the time. I am not one to just wing-it and see how the competition comes out. Furthermore, in my presentation I have to make sure I up-hold the bikini division in a classy, elegant, and beautiful way. I feel bikini is a celebration of loving your curvy-healthy body and presenting it to the world with confidence and self love. I’m not just going out there and shaking-it and doing stripper-poses. I know I have seen some questionable poses in the competitions I have been in and all I can say is, please do not judge the whole bunch on a few bad apples. Most all of the women I have met in my competitions have been super nice and generally beautiful inside and out. I am very proud to be a part of the bikini division and the NPC in general. I have met so many strong and amazing women and men.
Lastly, I am a huge quote fan and the following quote is on judging others.
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” ~Mother Teresa
Please remember that all competitors are getting on the same stage and it takes a great deal of courage, strength, commitment, and sheer confidence in yourself. Competing should draw us all in as a community and I am sure we are all more similar than different.
Much Love to ALL,
Vanessa Prebyl :)