Hey everyone!
As you all know, I try to find different ways to help spread the word about FitGems Nation and its main objective: to give respect to the female competitors from all divisions in all federations. Not only that, but I also try my best to help you competitors out however I can, whether it's emotional support, encouragement, just needing someone to talk to, whatever. Now, I've decided to open up a online store to help not only spread the word about FitGems, but to also help support a few competitors along the way. Proceeds from all purchases made will go toward the 2011 FitGems Sponsorship, which will be given to a deserving competitor for the 2011 season. I will explain more about the FitGems Sponsorship later on this month.
The shop has a few items right now, but be on the lookout for more items to be added this week, including Save Women's Fitness Now merchandise, where proceed of THOSE items will go toward a deserving National-qualified fitness competitor.
I personally will not benefit from this shop by finances. I will benefit from it knowing I'm able to help you competitors out however I can. If you have any suggestion for what I should sell, leave me a comment below. If you personally would like to see some designs of yours on future merchandise, please send them to me at admin@fitgemsnation.net and put "FITGEMS STORE DESIGN" in the Subject line.
The link to the online store: http://www.cafepress.com/FitGemsNation