Thursday, August 12, 2010

Guess Who's Joining the "Promoting Real Women" Team?

Yep, yours truly has been asked and invited to write for the popular Promoting Real Women. I want to give a heartfelt thank-you to Jason Adams for giving me this opportunity to write for his blog. I’m very thankful to God that I can call Jason a great friend of mine and an inspiration to me. Talking with him via phone and Facebook has made me realize how much alike we really are, and how much the both of us care about the athletes of the female muscle world.

So over time, I'll be posting on topics that I will post exclusively for Promoting Real Women, including old topics from the FitGems blog that will be updated. As a matter of fact, my first topic on Promoting Real Women will be about the state of female bodybuilding in the NPC/IFBB. Here's my original topic from it, when I did this in 2008:
How much has it changed? You'll find out soon enough.

Please join me on Promoting Real Women at, as I've already done an introductory post there, just basically saying who I am and such. If you haven't done it yet, PLEASE go out there and support Jason Adams and Promoting Real Women!! :)