Heather Foster hails from the island of Jamacia, mon (Sorry, I couldn't resist, LOL.). She was born in Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies and was someone who wasn't a "girly-girl", meaning that she would like to play sports as opposed to being in the Girl Scouts. Like many competitors, she was always an active person, especially in high school and college. Heather has been competing for nearly two decades, turning pro at the 2000 NPC Nationals in New York. In addition to competitng, she does her own music arrangements, voice-overs, choreography, training, and contest preparation for regional, national and professional bodybuilders as well as being a regional judge. She want to continue all of that, as well as win a Ms. Olympia title, as well as be a influental part in bring respect back to women's bodybuilding.
Her official website is not working as of now, but you see read more of her bio here.