Monday, February 2, 2009

American Gladiators...Not Dead Yet?

I've read that NBC's American Gladiators was dead and buried. However, I checked my email a few days ago, and from the mouth of one of the Gladiators (I will not reveal the name at this time), a possible season three could actually be happening.

So that brings me to the question...It is coming back or not?!?! AHHHH!!!!!

I won't go into any more detail than that because, quite frankly, I'm just a lost as a Democrat in a Republican convention. If you know something about it, feel free to leave a comment about it (if you can, that is).

The question for the month is...Would YOU want to see American Gladiators back? The choices are
  • Yes
  • Yes, with some serious modifications
  • No, I'll stick with the ESPN Classic reruns
  • I don't know
  • What's American Gladiators?
Last month's question was, Which is the bigger show to you? The Olympia beat the Arnold, with 69% choosing the Olympia and 30% choosing the Arnold.