Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Black History Spotlight for February 10, 2009-Drexel Long

If you're a member of Feminine Bodybuilding or Siouxcountry, then you probably know a thing or two about Drexel Long, better known on the popular message boards as MsGuns. Drexel is a woman who has competed in many divisions, and has done well in all of them. In the NPC, she competed in the 2004 NPC Central Tx Cup, 2004 NPC John Sherman Classic, and 2005 NPC Jr. Nationals. After 2005, she entered natural drug-free competitions in the International Natuarl Bodybuilding Federation, among others. Look for her to continue her dominance and become a top name in the drug-free federations for years to come.

For more on Drexel (aka MsGuns), check out her website at http://officialflexwithdrex.com.

Also, you can vote for her in this month's World Physique contest as well. Go to http://worldphysique.com/fmcon5dec.html.