Wednesday, April 21, 2010

FitGems is MOVING!

I have a MAJOR announcement regarding the future of the main FitGems site:

Ning is undergoing a big change, and one of those changes is that Ning will no longer be a free service. You can read it for yourself here:

Changes is coming to Ning, and I don't like it one bit, and I bet after reading that, you probably don't either. I could keep the site here and make you all pay just to use this, but that's not fair to any of you. I'm looking for sponsorships, but I'll be damned if I make any of you actually pay just to be a member here. Not gonna happen.

What I began to do yesterday is to transfer many of the things on this site to another site. I would highly recommend you to go to the new official website for FitGems Nation.

Ning has made it virtually impossible (as of this writing) to convert the material here to any new site, so I'm doing it manually. It will take some time to move everything. I plan to have a grand reopening of FitGems sometime this summer. If you have ANY questions, please email me as If you have people that would like to join FitGems Nation, tell them to join it at the link above, NOT (or at least not yet, anyways). Once everything is settled, I will let you know when the URL is linked up to the right site.

Again, my deepest apologize to anyone and everyone on the news. But, as the old saying goes...what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And trust me, when this is all said and done, FitGems will be stronger than ever before; I guarantee it!

Everything else related to FitGems Nation (blog, MySpace, Facebook fan page, and Twitter) will still be up and running like normal. Once again, my apologizes to all of you here.


FitGems Nation
NEW main site:
Facebook Fan Page:!/pages/FitGems-Nation/172803974346?ref=ts
Ask FitGems Anything:
Save Women's Fitness Now Blog:
Save Women's Fitness Now Twitter: