Monday, December 14, 2009

FitGems Sponsorship Update

As first announced on Twitter this morning, I mentioned something about a update regarding the 2010 FitGems Sponsorship.

I mentioned that the pot would increase as time goes by. I'd thought I'd be the first one to make that move. So, as of today, the pot has been increased from $151 to $200. Yes, no less that $200 will be awarded to the winner of the sponsorship contest.

In addition to the pot being increased, Eldor, the founder of Eldor Female Bodybuilding Network (EFBBN), has partnered with FitGems in ensuring that competitors get the recognition they deserve during the sponsorship contest and beyond. He will be making a personal Yahoo fan club for EVERY competitor that enters the sponsorship contest, whether you win it or not. Like FitGems, Eldor wants to help positively promote the sport to the best of his ability. Just let him know how you want it to look like, and he'll take care of the rest. A great way for established, breakout, and new stars to get easy and free publicity. For an example of his work, here's a group he made for Julie Bourassa:

To those that want to donate to the FitGems Sponsorship pot, it's not too late. You have until Febuary 28 to donate. And for those that want to compete, it's not too late to enter. You have until January 31st to enter. If you have any questions, please email me at Good luck to you all!