's not what you're probably thinking...(pervs) :)
I'm talking about the new DVD released called Driven Divas.
The DVD chronicles workout partners, Jenny Lynn and Trish Warren, throughout their contest prep for the 2009 Fitness and Figure Olympia. This documentary shows everything that went into their contest prep including workouts, plyometrics, posing practice, routine practice and an informative Q&A with Jenny and Trish about their contest preps and being veteran IFBB Pro athletes.
This was just release, so I have no clue how it looks. But if it's anything like Jenny's past DVD "The Harder I Work, The Luckier I Get", then I think fans will be in for quite a treat. I expect this DVD to be a best-seller in the industry, without question.
This would make the perfect stocking stuffer for any female that is either wanting to become a fitness/figure competitor or those that are competing and want (and/or need) the advice from two top IFBB stars.
The DVD is on sale now for $39.99 and can be purchase through Jenny's website at