Happy New Year!!!
2008 is over, and 2009 has officially begun! May you be blessed with great things. Thank you for supporting the FitGems Nation. This has been a growing process for me, as I'm doing what I can for the sport of female muscle. Hopefully 2009 will be a great year for everyone.
On the final question for 2008, I asked, If it were up to YOU, which division would you rather have in the NPC and IFBB: a bikini or physique division? 60% of you would rather have a physique division, 32% would have both a physique division and a bikini division, and 7% would rather have a bikini division (To no one's surprise, no one chose the neither option).
The first question of the new year is...Which is the bigger show to you, the Olympia or the Arnold?
HAPPY 2009, EVERYONE!!!!!!