Saturday, January 31, 2009

Black History Spotlight for February 1, 2009-Tanji Johnson

Time to kick off Black History Month with one of the most influential fitness competitors in history, regardless of race...Tanji Johnson!

Tanji has an unbelievable passion for the sport that rivals most people. She's always been an athletic person, competing in track and field and being captain of the dance team in high school. She joined the U.S. Air Force Academy. Those folks don't play! You've got to have what it takes to make it throught the training, and she had it. She ended up graduating from the Academy with a B.S. in Humanities and a comission as an Air Force officer.

She started to compete in 1998, making this year her 11 year in fitness and her eight as a pro. She has competed in numerous Arnold and Olympias, has won two fitness titles so far, and appeared on NBC's American Gladiators as "Stealth". Something tells me we've not seen the last of Tanji, not by a long shot.

For more about Tanji, check out her website at