Friday, June 14, 2013

Diva Physique: First Wrestling Website Dedicated to Wrestling's Fittest Women

The FitGems Network continues to evolve with each passing year, it seems. A few months ago, I had this crazy idea in my head about a website dedicated to the best female physiques in professional wrestling history. For those that know me, you know how big of a wrestling fan I am, so it only seemed right that I open a site like that. In fact, there's not a site like it in the wrestling fansite world today, which makes it all the more unique. The name of the site is Diva Physique.

Part of our upcoming banner!

As a wrestler, you have to be in pretty good shape to deliver moves and take moves. But there are times where you can't help but notices how toned and fit a decent amount of them are. That's where Diva Physique comes in.

The site has been opened for a few months and already there have been photos of past and present female wrestlers from WWE, WCW, ECW, and TNA such as Miss Tessmacher, Torrie Wilson, Trish Stratus, Ivory, Jamie Keyes, Eve Torres, Madison Rayne, and more, with plenty of more ladies to be postedas the site progresses. So yeah, this site is FAR from being done, and the best part is, that in time it will continue to evolve with new wrestlers and former wrestlers possible getting in better shape than when they were wrestling. In time, we hope to have some past and present WWE Divas, TNA Knockouts, independent wrestlers, and wrestlers from past organizations such as WCW and ECW to provide fitness tips and stories, and maybe even some fitness secrets that that would like to share with the wrestling fanbase and fitness fanbase alike.

Check Diva Physique out at Diva Physique is also on Facebook (, Twitter ( and Instagram ( If you have any suggestions, comments, concerns, or if you would like to join the Diva Physique staff (we are currently accepting members, BTW), you can email us at

If you're a wrestling fan, this is a site you must check out!