Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Interview with Stacy Wright

A fan favorite as well as a FitGems favorite, Stacy Wright seemed prime to become a pro fitness superstar during her days in the NPC. A few years ago, she became an IFBB Fitness Pro and has since become one of the top names in the sport with her routine and crowd-pleasing physique. She has recently been away from the stage for a bit, because she gave birth to her first child, Mason! While she is definitely enjoying motherhood, we expect to see Mrs. Wright step back on stage sooner than later. Stacy was gracious enough to do this interview for FitGems. (All photos were provided by Stacy herself.)

FitGems Nation: First off, tell us a little bit about yourself.
Stacy Wright: Hello! Thank you for the interview! I’m Stacy Wright. I’m 28 years old from Charleston, WV. I’m an IFBB Professional Fitness Competitor. I also work full time as a registered nurse and personal trainer. I have the greatest husband ever and next month we’ll be celebrating our 8 year anniversary! We are very excited about our new addition to our family, Mason. He was born in March and we couldn’t be happier!

FitGems: How did you get involved in the fitness industry in the first place?
Stacy: It all started with cheerleading in high school. We started training in the football gym and I was hooked! I had seen the girls in the muscle magazines and had always wanted to look like them. Once I started on that path, there was no looking back.

FitGems: What do you enjoy most about competing?
Stacy: The part I like most about competing is the journey of constantly challenging myself to do better and step up my game! Each show I try to bring in a better physique and routine. It’s an ongoing journey and I enjoy every step along the way!

FitGems: Which do you feel is your greatest strength when training: cardio or weight-training?
Stacy: Weight training by far. I love pushing my body, perfecting my form, seeing the change and shape of my muscles! It’s very empowering!

FitGems: Recently you had your first child. CONGRATS! How does it feel to be a mommy?
Stacy: It is the absolute best feeling in the world! Words cannot even begin to describe it! Mason is the best baby ever and is learning and growing every day! He’s truly amazing and definitely a miracle.

FitGems: How has your training been affected from when you competed without baby to post-pregnancy? Stacy: The main thing is that I can’t just get up and go to the gym. I either have to make sure the nursery is open so I can take him with me, or I have to coordinate schedules with my husband so he can keep him while I workout. So with that it just simply means we have to be much more organized. =) It was also a challenge in getting my fitness strength moves back. As my abdominal muscles were very stretched out, I didn’t realize how much core strength I’d lost. I had to relearn things like the pike and straddle hold from scratch. Thankfully there’s muscle memory and I have worked very hard and carefully to get those moves back without injuring myself.

Stacy, Andrew Wright, and the newest addition to the Wright family: Mason!

FitGems: Who (living or dead) do you look up to for inspiration, whether they are part of the fitness industry or not?
Stacy: I will say that Adela is an awesome inspiration and mentor to us fitness girls! She’s always there and makes time in her busy schedule to help us out in any way she can. A special Thank You to her for that!

FitGems:  If you weren’t part of the fitness industry, what would you be doing now?
Stacy: If I wasn’t a part of the competitive fitness industry, I would still be working out and living the lifestyle. It’s simply a part of me.

FitGems: What (if anything) would you change about the fitness industry?
Stacy: In the perfect world, it would be much cheaper to compete. =) That’s something that can’t be changed though, as we all need to make a living.

FitGems: What advice do you have for anyone wanting to get fit, especially mothers?
Stacy: Make the time to take care of yourself and set an example to your little ones of how to live a healthy lifestyle in an unhealthy world. If you don’t take care of yourself, how can you take care of anyone else. Just get organized, plan ahead, and make it happen!

FitGems: After competition, what do you plan to do to give back to the industry?
Stacy: I would love to continue judging shows and possibly have my own show here in West Virginia someday. I also plan to continue helping others prep for shows and being a mentor to those in the industry, as well as those just trying to improve their health and body.

FitGems: Any closing words for your fans and supporters?
Stacy: If you can dream it, you can do it! Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something.

FitGems: How can fans contact you if they want to keep up with your career? (Facebook fan page, Twitter, email, website, blog, other social media outlet, etc.)
Stacy: Absolutely! I love hearing from fans and fellow competitors! Feel free to contact me through any of these outlets. I have multiple ways to follow me or contact me. You can check out my website, facebook, and twitter pages at the links below.

Once again, we thank Stacy for taking the time to interview with us. We wish her all the success in the world on returning to the stage soon and on motherhood!