Monday, March 5, 2012

2012 Figure International Review: Nicole, 3X the Champ

For figure, 2012 began the way 2011 ended, who would be the better woman: Nicole Wilkins or Erin Stern? Well, much like how 2011 and 2010 began, 2012 began the same way...with Nicole Wilkins on top of the figure mountain. Nicole received a perfect score and won her 3rd straight Figure International title, tying with Jenny Lynn for most Figure International titles won. Should Nicole be in the Figure International next year, Nicole has the chance to cement her legacy as the winning-ist Figure International Champion of all time. If anyone can break the record, it's Nicole. Erin Stern has failed to best Nicole since the 2010 Figure Olympia, and that hasn't changed, as she came close, but no cigar. Candice Keene and Ava Cowan were neck and neck for 3rd and 4th place, but Candice beat Ava by one point to earn an Olympia qualification, along with Nicole and Erin. Heather Dees brought a great physique, placing her in 5th in her Arnold debut, and Teresa Anthony rounded out the top six in figure.

Full results:
1. Nicole Wilkins
2. Erin Stern
3. Candice Keene
4. Ava Cowan
5. Heather Dees
6. Teresa Anthony
7. Larissa Reis
 8. Cheryl Brown
 9. Gennifer Strobo
 10. Krissy Chin
 11. Jelena Abbou
 12. Latisha Wilder
 13. Sue Knott
 14. Raquel Hernandez
 15. Gloria Tarpley
 16. Alicia Harris