
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Steel Divas: New Show on Lifetime

It's always good to pay attention to your Twitter (if you have one). The most shocking news can happen when you least expect it (I believe we've ALL experienced that over the past few days, but that's for another story). This news I'm about to post here came to light due to a tweet from someone I follow on Twitter, MsPersianDoll ( She mentioned that Felicia Romero was on "Steel Divas". I went, "Huh?! What the heck is Steel Divas?" So I asked her was it a local or national show? She replied back that it was a National show. She would post more tweets mentioning that it was on Lifetime. "DAAANNNGGG" was my first reaction. Immediately I searched to get more info about here's what I've found out about the show.

Steel Divas is a reality show focusing on female competitors getting ready for competitions, with the main focus on figure. I believe the show is based from Arizona from what information I've gathered. Gym owners Roxanna Wood and IFBB Figure Pro Felecia Romero are featured in this series, as well as others. According to a quote from Roxanna (,0,5156473.story), "It's housewives meet pumping iron."

This aired Tuesday night at 11PM Eastern/10PM Central on Lifetime television. I have not seen any replay times for this episode, but I can tell you that I'm stoked to see what happens with this show going forward. I will do everything in my power to let you all know when the next show will be on ahead of time so we can all watch, get this trending on Twitter, post this like crazy on Facebook and the message boards, etc. This show looks like a great opportunity to showcase a different side of this industry, as most mainstream people only have knowledge of female bodybuilders.  Steel Divas could change that a bit, even if by a little. Hey, every bit helps. Let's do our part on the next show by watching it live or setting your DVRs. Either way, let's show the ladies we got their backs.


  1. brooks-elizabeth billingsMay 4, 2011 at 9:44 AM

    hi i watched the show that aired last night, on may 3rd, and the partial owner of the gym who is not pro was having heart problems. She shares a lot of the same symptoms that I have. I have a heart condition called non familiar dysautonomia. (P.O.T.S) She should look up the page, this may help her.If you could relay this message to her. I would greatly appreciate it. I know how it feels....and let her know she is not the only one out there with symptoms those symptoms. It is a rare form of heart disease that effects the whole autonomic nervous system, and I had to go to texas to see a dr. suleman at the heart beat clinic to be diagnosed. He is one of the few specialist out there. The disorder was only named 11 years ago and the disorder runs highly in women. Thank you for your time.
    brooks billings from Joplin Missouri

  2. Does anyone know when this show will be on again?

  3. Loved the show...thank God for dvr, I've watched it twice...can't wait for the next episode, which, btw, I can't find on Lifetime or by checking channels...hope this wasn't a one off...

  4. I thought it was a great show highlighting the committment and the struggles that these female fitnesss and body building competitors have to go through in every day life. It takes alot of hard work and sacrifice I can't wait to see the next episode.

    Great job to the cast!

  5. I am so bummed I missed it. Anyone know when it will air next?

  6. Watched it and I loved it! I have searched and searched when this show and when it was going to come back on and continue. I loved it so much it inspired me to get off my butt and work out and I feel great! I wanna see more!

  7. Having a boyfriend who is getting ready for his first show has been enlightening to say the least. I have been to a few IFBB shows and have seen the rewards of the hard work these ladies put in. I think it's great that finally they will get the much needed recognition they deserve because they train just as hard as the men do. Way to go Lifetime Network for shining the spotlight on these women.

  8. I loved the show but cannot find it on the LifeTime website or anywhere elese. Please tell me it will be returning.

  9. i've looked everywhere i know and i am unable to find out anything about future episodes. Did they cancel the show for some reason? pretty stupid idea if they did!

  10. i've looked everywhere i know and i am unable to find out anything about future episodes. Did they cancel the show for some reason? pretty stupid idea if they did!

  11. I believe the first episode was just a test run (pilot). Lifetime wanted to see if there was any interest in the show before they committed to a full season.
