
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jason Adams Industry Blog

Well, this blog was supposed to happen a little later. However seems some people
have issues with what I was going to write this week, so to let the dust settle, I
postponed that one. So instead I thought I would use this as a chance to write about two important women in my life. Then talk a little about Masters Nationals.

Let's start with Belinda Hope. Belinda is what I call the best Figure competitor you have not heard of. Now obviously many have heard of her, but sadly not enough people have heard of her. Her resume says it all. I first met Belinda when she was one of the first to express interest in doing an interview for my Promoting Women Blog. Since then, she has become a great friend. When someone attacks me for not agreeing with my beliefs, I can always count on Belinda to have my back. She helps me to say what I want to say, stand up for myself, and believe in myself. Belinda has offered for me to come down and spend a week training in Florida with her, and you can bet your ass I will do that. Belinda has such an amazing physique. Pro quality for sure. She is always so giving of her time and I really believe she enjoys seeing others succeed as much as seeing herself succeed. Belinda once did not win a competition. She asked the judges what she needed to do, they told her, she made those changes and guess who won the Orlando Europa? That's right, it was Belinda. She is such an inspiring woman, and someone I am honored to know.

Sarah Kinney. Sarah also does Figure. You may recall last week I mentioned others who helped me before Danny J. Sarah is one of them. She offered on her own to help me when I was starting. Me not staying with her is not because she wasn't good enough, because she is good enough and then some, I think we just had philosophical differences. Because I learned so much, and still learn so much from Sarah. Sarah has become one of my best friends. Always encourages me as well. When I do good, I can't wait to tell Sarah. Sarah is new to the competing world, but she is destined to do great things. Why? Because she wants it and is capable of it. As much as she seems to enjoy my progress, I equally enjoy hers. She is capable of so much and going so far, and I can not wait until everyone in the industry knows the name Sarah Kinney. Sarah, you are always gonna be my Studette (inside joke). Luv Ya.

As some may know, I attended Masters Nationals over the weekend. I first must thank Doug and Sheila Benditz for the ticket and hotel room. It was a nicely run show for the most part. Met some people I had looked forward to meeting, and want to share my opinions on them.

Michelle Brent: Wow. The package she brought to the stage was incredible. And that woman can pose with the best of them. I really felt it was hers to win and was shocked she didn't win. But not only that, Michelle was also a really nice woman and I am honored to have met her. I am forever a member of Team Brent.

Melanie Gall: Actually met her at the Arnold's. Melanie always has something nice to say and supports me in my competing goals. She saw me before I saw her, and I was so happy to see her there. She almost made me cry when she complimented my weight loss and my arms. Melanie is always going to be a favorite, and they don't get much more beautiful than her.

Michelle Geist: I talked on the phone many times with Michelle. She has been busy and we lost contact. I was unaware she was even competing. I thought I recognized her, but I didn't believe she was here so I figured it can't be her. Until she recognized me. So nice to meet her in person. Such a sweet person, and an honor to finally meet.

Melissa Hulett Stevens: Someone I really was excited to finally meet. It was a goal to search her out. First though, wow, she is beautiful. Second thought, what a nice woman, third thought, what a great physique. I thought Melissa deserved better than the judges gave her.

Kristen Fonseca: Another one I had to search out. What really struck me, is pictures do not give this woman justice. In person her incredible physique is even more incredible, and she is such a beauty. Really enjoyed talking with her, and hope to do so again.

Kate Cooper: One of my favorite bodybuilders. Weird seeing her with blond hair, but she looked incredible. Her physique stood out, and she just like in on-line communication, was such a joy to talk to.

Sheila Benditz: So thankful for Sheila. I would not have been there without her and her husband Doug. Sheila looked incredible and was a joy to talk to and meet. I really believe next year, Master's belongs to Sheila.

Gina Davis: One of the greats in my mind. Surprised to see her there and even more
surprised she was familiar with my blog. Meeting Gina a taking a photo was a highlight for me.

Sue Scheppele: Sue was one of the people who really made me a fan of the sport. When she said she was working a booth there I was so excited to meet her. We meet and had a nice talk. Sue invited me to come train with her and I am honored. Can't wait for that. Sue looked like with a couple weeks prep she could have owned the stage had she competed. And while I always said she was beautiful, in person she is even more so.


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