(Picture courtesy of TwixPix)
In such a short amount of time, Carla is looked upon as one of the top figure competitors in Canada and future IFBB figure pro. She's also an accomplished model in various publications, including Playboy.
In addition to being a figure competitor, She is also on HerBicepsCam, and it has been told that she blows the roof off the place. In 2009, she entered her first National competition and placed third in her class, which is a great debut for anyone who enters their first National competition. Look for this Latina Canadian to make more waves in the coming years as she aims to become an IFBB Figure Pro.
She is on Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, and FitGems Nation. You can also visit her upcoming website at http://www.carlitagutierrez.com/.
If there's a star in the making that you want me to spotlight in the future, Twit me (http://twitter.com/fitgemsnation) or Email me (admin@fitgemsnation.net) a suggestion, and I'll feature them here on this blog.