
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

REMINDER: FitGems Q and A Chat is TOMORROW!!!

This is a reminder to all of you that tomorrow night at 7PM Eastern/6PM Central, there will be a live question and answer chat, as the topic this month will be the man behind FitGems. I hope many of you will take part in this event, as I'm willing to open up and answer whatever you may have for me.

For starters, I'll explain in detail how and why I created FitGems, how I got employed by HDPhysiques, how I got involved in the sport in the first place, and why I love it so much, my thoughts on the past, present, and future of this sport and its competitors, among other things.

The chat is set to last one hour at the most, as I know you and I have things to do.

If there's something you want to ask me and you WON'T be able to make the chat, just email me at

This is your big chance to get to know someone who's been a fan/supporter of the industry since around middle school and wants to give back into a great sport. Hope to see many of you tomorrow at 7PM Eastern/6PM Central!

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