
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

FitGems Live Question and Answer Chat is Set for Next Week!

I gotta be honest with ya, this just might be my most insane idea yet.

Next Wednesday Night (August 26th) at 7 Eastern./6 Central, I'll be on the site live to take questions from those who are interested. Each month (hopefully), there will be a different theme relating to the industry. The theme this month is knowing the man behind the (FitGems) Nation. How and why I created FitGems, how I got employed by HDPhysiques, how I got involved in the sport in the first place, and why I love it so much, my thoughts on the past, present, and future of this sport and its competitors, ya know...things of that nature.

The chat is set to last at least one hour (time permitting).

If there's something you want to ask me and you WON'T be able to make the chat, just email me at, and I'll do my best to answer the question during the chat. Finally, you will get to know what I'm all about and why I love this sport. Fans, competitors, whoever, everyone is invited next Wendsday to this major event!

FYI...A heads up on something big on tonight:

E! Television will be airing a True Hollywood Story on
Female Bodybuilders (I believe it will have fitness and figure as well) at 10 Eastern/9 Central. I've been told that this is a deep look, and not one that is aimed at hurting the sport like others shows have tried to do in the past. I'll be watching the show and give my thoughts on it sometime tomorrow.

Take care and have a good
rest of the week!

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