Each of the pictures uses for this blog belong to their respective sites. Click pics to enlarge.
Davana Medina
Kim Klein
Karen Zaremba
Debbie Leung
Stacy Simons
Mindi O’Brien
Shannon Meteraud
Macey Boudreau
Monica Brant-Peckham
Tracey Greenwood
Tara Scotti
Vicki Nixon
Dayana Caedeu

Amy Peters
Rosa-Marie Romero
Julie Shipley-Childs
Julie Palmer
Denise Masino
Claire Parmley
Well...there ya go. My "dream list" of competitors for the first pro physique competition. Trust me, this was not easy for me to nail the list down to 25. The amateur list won't be a cakewalk either, but I'll give it my best. Agree or disagree with the list? Leave a comment below, then. For those that were waiting for the pro list (all two of you, LOL), thanks for being patient.
Personal note: If anything was to actually come out of this, I would literally freak out.