Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Mandy Sacs is Coming Home...to the WBFF!

Mandy Sacs has never been shy of showing off her physique, as she as done for several years, most noticeably in the World Beauty Fitness and Fashion (WBFF) federation as a Bikini Pro and in World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) as a pro wrestler. In many ways, Mandy was a muscle mommy before muscle mommies became a thing. Her strong physique combines with her Hollywood looks made her a very hot commodity within WWE, making her one of the most popular females in the company during her time there, and of course being very popular on social media. We all know how her WWE career ended so we won't get into that here, but what we WILL talk about is how she has grabbed folks' attention moreso than usual this year. 

Mandy Sacs stealing the show at Miami Swim Week last year

As we mentioned before, Mandy's physique has always seemed to be an attraction on social media, but this year, things felt a tad bit different but no one could tell exactly what it was. She was looking a bit more lean and defined than usual. Some speculated a return to wrestling (if not WWE, then somewhere else). Everything became perfectly clear on Episode 28 of Power Alphas, her podcast with fiancé Sabby Piscitelli, a former WWE Superstar himself. At the end of that particular episode, she announced that she was going to return to competition at the WBFF Worlds in Miami, 10 years after winning the WBFF Bikini Pro World title. 

From her title win in 2014 to now. A near 30lb difference!

Returning to competition after being off the stage for a decade is a pretty big deal, and for Mandy, it will be very interesting to see what kind of look she will bring on stage. We're not sure if she will do Bikini or not because of the sheer amount of muscle she has put on her body since the last time she stepped on stage. She was around 115lbs when she won the title back in 2014. She is a bit over 140lbs now, and yes, a majority of that added weight has been dense muscle. Since most of her muscle has went to her legs, we feel she will either do Wellness or Fitness Model, but that's for Mandy to speak of, not us. Heck, she just might end up staying in Bikini. We have no clue. Either way, we are extremely excited to see what kind of look Mandy is going to bring in in early August. Despite the amazing look she brought to WWE, we have a gut feeling we haven't seen anything yet and we will be looking at the hottest Mandy Sacs...EVER! IS IT AUGUST YET?! 

Oh...BTW, #MandyforVictoriaSecret (if you know, you know) 

A recent photo of Mandy. She is going to put this look to shame come August!

Follow Mandy at the following links:

Her Instagram: https:/www.instagram.com/mandysacs
Her Twitter/X: https://www.x.com/mandysacs
Power Alphas Podcast: https:/www.youtube.com/@PowerAlphasPodcast
Her OnlyFans: https:/www.onlyfans.com/mandysacs
Her FREE OnlyFansTV: https:/www.of.com/mandysacstv
Her TikTok: https:/www.tiktok.com/@mandysacs
All her other links: https://amandasaccomanno.komi.io/