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You know…in a world like it is today, you would THINK that folks would get rewarded if that actually WANT to come to work and perform. When you have an employee who is willing to do anything that is asked of them with little to no complaints, one would THINK that they would be rewarded. Someone hasn’t bothered to relay that message to WWE because there is an employee on their payroll that fits exactly that. Her real name is soon to be Ashley Sebera-Diaz. Her WWE performer name…is Dana Brooke.

Over the years, we have shown her praise practically every chance we get. Unlike the wrestling world and the fickle fan base, we have seen and witness her progression over the least near-decade. Was she the best when she first entered the company? Absolutely not. Even we mentioned that in our earlier post about Dana. But you know what she HAS done? Year after year, she has put in the time and effort behind the scenes to make herself a better performer, whether it be in the ring or doing her promos or even how she presents herself in the events she’s on while representing WWE. Over the years, she has experience this thing called GROWTH as an overall performer, and for some reason wrestling “fans” (and i use that term VERY loosely these days) refuse to give her any sort of respect. It’s like it’s a crime to give her any sort of credit for improvement or for actually just being good. But man…the second she makes a mistake, folks are ready call for her job.
SPEAKING of folks calling for her job…how big of an asshole do you have to be to work in the same company and PUBLICALLY call for her to get her pink slip on national television without any provoking? That is what Corey Graves is…an ASSHOLE. For whatever reason, this son of a bitch has has it out for her for what seems like her entire career. Sam Roberts, a wannabe “journalist”, mentioned on commentary a few years back about Tamina, a fellow WWE Superstar, was miserable (she wasn’t, it’s her persona in WWE) and UNPROVOKED he mentioned that “you would be miserable to if you had to work with Dana Brooke” . BTW…this was said around the time Dana had lost her boyfriend at the time, Dallas McCarver. Not only ignorant but classless to do it at a time like that. Earlier this summer, another wannabe “journalist” Denise Salcedo just about had a damn heart attack and declared the world was coming to an end just because Dana got ONE (JUST ONE) pinfall victory over Becky Lynch (with help from Asuka, BTW). She was literally about to blow a gasket just because of that ONE victory! Funny how others can have that shocking victory and no one whines about it, but Dana gets that ONE unexpected win…and the internet losers declare the world is burning. I know, we should be showing love to the wrestling media that DOES give her her flowers, but that’s the sad thingL There isn’t one. Outside her own fans, there is not one wrestling podcast, blog, social media account, no entity that has ever given her any props. No legend to our knowledge has had her back in any way, shape, or form. That’s why FitGems Nation roots for her as hard as we do because no one else will. If there’s any wrestling entity that doesn’t entirely hate Dana Brooke, we would like to hear from you. We want to know that not EVERYONE is against her.
Outside of R-Truth (Get well soon, man!), NO ONE outdid Dana Brooke as far as carrying the title with fun and enjoyment. |
Now…let’s talk about why we appreciate Dana Brooke. Like we’ve mentioned before, she has constantly put in the work in the ring as far as doing moves in addition to selling moves. She has mention going to acting classes outside of WWE to improve her promo skills. If you can’t tell how much she has improve on her speaking presentation from her earlier days to now, we don’t know what to say to you. She seems more natural on the mic now and nowhere near as nervous as before. Her run with the now-retired 24/7 Championship helped out with that a lot. In the ring, she has become more fluid with her moves. They look better, more crisp, and they have purpose as to why she does it rather than her just doing moves for moves sake, which she has done in the past. One think she has CLEARLY improved on that even the haters can’t deny is her selling. Dana has made some folks’ finishers looks like a million bucks, which is what you’re supposed to do. In no ways are we calling her the best seller in WWE (she isn’t) but she had gotten pretty damn good in that aspect that some folks that are current champions in the company (Ronda Rousey, looking at you) fail to comprehend. Oh yeah…Dana has done a lot for charity, whether representing WWE or herself, especially when it comes to kids. She has stated multiple times that she believes kids are the future and you can tell they mean a lot to her via her attendance and participation at Be A Star rallies and her own involvement with her future stepson.
We have stated over and over that Dana Brooke is arguably THE most underrated, underappreciated, underutilized, and overhated female in WWE these days, and we have pretty much wrote a mini-novel as to why we say that. Whatever she has been given to do, she do her best to make it work. Hell, she took what was supposed to be a comedy title in the 24/7 Championship and turned in into a defacto midcard women’ title so other ladies can get the spotlight, including Doudrop, Tamina, Alexa Bliss, Carmella, and Nikki Cross, who threw the title in the trash, retiring it and spitting in the face of what Dana was trying to do with the title.
THIS is who needs to win the Money in the Bank briefcase next year. NO ONE ELSE! |
We do hope that one day folks do get the hate and ignorance of their hearts and FOR ONCE give Dana Brooke the flowers she has EARNED over the last few years. We also hope one day that she will get a chance to show the world how talented she really is. And if WWE isn’t careful…it won’t be them that gets to see that.