
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Interview with Tina Nguyen

Over the years there have been several competitors that make people speechless. In an industry filled with amazing physiques, to have yours be the one that people can't get enough of speaks volumes. In 2014, no one embodied that more than Tina Nguyen. Her physique has been called one of the most eye-catching figure bodies in quite some time, and everyone is beginning to notice that very quickly. She won her pro card at her Nationals debut (2014 NPC Nationals) and was voted by the fans as the 2014 FitGems Nation Breakout Amateur Figure Competitor of the Year by a landslide. If her debut year is any indication, Tina is going to be someone people are going to be talking about for years to come. And with her just turning 23 and now an IFBB pro, her future is brighter than ever. We could see her as the face of the figure division sooner rather than later.

Tina was gracious enough for us to conduct an interview with her. (All photos belong to their original owners. Please support them.)

FitGems Nation: First off, tell us a little bit about yourself.
Tina Nguyen: My name is Tina Nguyen. I’m a 23 years old recently turned pro in Nov 2014 in figure. I currently reside in Dallas, Texas. Besides competing I’m a fun, out going individual who is also a full time student and a real estate business professional. 

FG: How did you get involved in the fitness industry in the first place?
TN: I went to the gym the first time because I was getting ready for a pageant in Texas. However I never did the pageant but I continued to train and now an IFBB pro!:) 

FG: What do you enjoy most about competing?
TN: The process of getting ready for a show is rewarding and challenging. It’s a huge commitment and it also helps me to be disciplined. I love training and constantly reminding myself I have to give my 101% and be the best. And I love the feeling of being on stage showcase the hard work that you have put through to accomplish!

FG: Which do you feel is your greatest strength when training: cardio or weight-training?
TN: Both, I love cardio which gives me a boost before I lift. I do both equally in and off season 

FG: What is the hardest thing you have had to deal with when it comes to competing?
TN: Well both times I got ready for my nationals show and the show I won over all I was in school and worked at the same time. I can say time management was a task to do every day. You have to remember when  to eat, how much to eat, how much training you need to do in order to ALSO keep up with your home work- work at my job. It was difficult but it was well worth it. 

FG: What division do you compete in, and what’s the best thing in your opinion about competing in that division?
TN: Figure is what I compete in. To me, there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who is feminine and also shows strength and muscular at the same time. Kind of like comic book super heroes and that’s what figure is to me. 

Editor's Note: That's EXACTLY how I feel about the figure division...Great minds think alike! :) 

FG: If it was up to you, what would be one thing you would want to add or take away from your division?
TN: I wouldn't really change a thing. I like the muscular toned bodies, not too shredded but just lean and dry enough. I’m also a fan of small waist and a sick V taper on a woman and shapely muscular legs and calves, don’t forget the shoulders also ;) 

FG: With the rise of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc,), how important do you feel it is for competitors to participate in it?
TN: Social media has changed so much for the past 5 years. It used to be the site where people/ our friends and family connect and chit chat. Now it seems like everyone wants to be popular. Sometimes people who I have never met or know send me messages and tell me how much of an impact by posting on social media pages had changed their life. And that they want to live a healthier life and have a positive outlook more so on everything. It is amazing to be inspired and to also inspire people. I encourage ALL and every single person who has started their journey to keep track of their progress! 

FG: Who (living or dead) do you look up to for inspiration, whether they are part of the fitness industry or not?
TN: The first person I would say is my mother. She is one strong minded and a business woman. She never takes no for an answer. She always finds solutions to everything and always strives to be the best. She was/is my inspiration. 

FG: I know everyone wants to be the first "them" (as it should be), but is there any competitor (past or present) that you look at and say, "Okay...that's what I'm aiming for"? 
TN: The first woman who inspired me to be better in this industry is Khanh Nguyen. I remember one day I saw a pic of her on a face book page and I instantly went “Omg, I want her abs!” I never had abs, and that was my goal was to start out. I didn’t even think about competing and just wanted to start training for myself. Now the physique I absolutely adore is Juliana Malacarne, Miss Physique Olympia. I don’t want to compete in physique and I love figure, but her work ethic and her full muscle bellies are absolutely amazing!

FG: 11. If you weren’t part of the fitness industry, what would you be doing now?
TN: Well would probably be the same thing I’m also doing: A business professional and a student. I’m currently in school to finish my BSN and hopefully get a license to work in hospitals and clinics in Dallas. 

FG: What (if anything) would you change about the fitness industry?
TN: The fitness industry has been going on for years and it’s meant to inspire people to be healthy and get fit, no matter what their personal goal is. Anything can have an improvement  

FG: After your competition days are completed, what do you plan to do to give back to the industry?
TN: I want to continue working on myself to be the best I can be and reach my full potential. I also want to help people achieve their fitness goal no matter where they are or why they are getting in shape. 

FG: Any closing words for your fans and supporters?
TN: I want to thank my supporters who have been following my journey since day one. You all inspire me in so many ways more than you know. I also want to thank my coach and also my bf Ambrose Middleton. He has been with me since day 1, supporting me and helping me to be the best I can be. Also my friends who understand the journey I’ve picked and accommodate lunch with me when I’m dieting!  And also every one I’ve had the pleasure to meet and speak with in the industry. 

FG: Again, thank you so much for doing this interview with us! For those that want to keep up on your future competitions and other plans, how can fans contact you? (Facebook fan page, Twitter, Instagram, email, website, blog, other social media outlet, etc.) Also, if there's anything you want to plug in, you are more than welcome to do so.

TN: You can follow me on Facebook at
Instagram @tinang13

I want to thank Christopher Ray at FitGems Nation for giving me the opportunity to have this interview. Thank you so much for your support :) much love xo 

Actually, thank YOU Tina for allowing us to interview you. We see nothing but great things in her future. Congrats on an amazing start. The best is yet to come for this rising figure star!